Exploring Real-time Event Streaming with Azure Event Hubs in a Serverless Environment

Emer Kurbegovic
3 min readDec 12, 2023


The ability to handle and process a large number of events in real-time has become paramount. Azure Event Hubs, a fully managed and scalable event streaming platform, provides a robust solution for managing the flow of events in the Azure cloud environment. In this article, I’ll dive into what Azure Event Hubs is and explore how it can be utilized in a serverless architecture for seamless event streaming.

Understanding Azure Event Hubs

Azure Event Hubs is a cloud-based service designed to handle massive amounts of event data. Think of it as a centralized hub where events are collected and then distributed to multiple consumers in real-time. It provides a scalable and reliable platform for ingesting, processing, and analyzing streaming data.

Key features of Azure Event Hubs include:

  1. Scalability
    Azure Event Hubs can handle millions of events per second, making it suitable for applications with varying workloads.
  2. Reliability
    It ensures the durability and reliability of event data by providing features like partitioning and replication.
  3. Integration
    Seamless integration with other Azure services, enabling the creation of comprehensive solutions for various use cases.

Serverless Streaming with Azure Event Hubs

Now, let’s explore how Azure Event Hubs can be leveraged in a serverless environment. Serverless computing allows developers to focus on writing code without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. Azure Functions, a serverless compute service in Azure, can be employed to process events from Event Hubs in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

Here’s a step-by-step example of a serverless streaming application using Azure Event Hubs and Azure Functions:

  1. Create an Azure Event Hub
    Start by creating an Azure Event Hub through the Azure portal. Configure settings such as the number of partitions and retention period based on your application requirements.
  2. Set up Azure Functions
    Create an Azure Function using your preferred programming language (e.g., C#, JavaScript, Python). Configure the function to trigger on new events arriving at the Event Hub.
  3. Implement Event Processing Logic
    Write the logic inside your Azure Function to process incoming events. For example, you could analyze data, transform it, or store it in another Azure service such as Azure Storage or Cosmos DB.
  4. Deploy and Monitor
    Deploy your Azure Function and monitor its performance through Azure Application Insights. This step is crucial for gaining insights into how well your serverless streaming solution is performing.

Final Thoughts

Azure Event Hubs provides a powerful and flexible solution for real-time event streaming, and when combined with Azure Functions, it forms a potent serverless architecture for handling and processing events at scale. Whether you’re building a real-time analytics platform, monitoring application health, or implementing IoT solutions, Azure Event Hubs can be a cornerstone in creating responsive and efficient cloud-based applications. Having the ability to process events in real-time becomes a strategic advantage, and Azure Event Hubs simplifies this process for developers and architects alike.

