3 ways to use Blockchain DNS in your browser

Eugene Shumilov about Emercoin
2 min readSep 21, 2017


Finally, FireFox has got an extension for EmerDNS. Now it is much easier to connect to Emer’s distributed domain name system, with no regulators, moderators, or registrars to dictate to you. With the extension installed, the browser will “see” websites in the .lib, .emc, .bazar, and .coin TLDs, which are becoming more and more common.

Just to remind you, EmerDNS is different from conventional DNSs in that its domain names:

  • Are owned and managed exclusively by its owner, as the system is fully decentralized.
  • Cannot be hijacked,
  • Cannot be blocked or recalled by authorities,
  • Can be easily retrieved from any Emercoin wallet using standard protocols and the built-in DNS server subsystem, and
  • Much more affordable.

So, here are 3 browser extensions you can use for EmerDNS:

1. Blockchain DNS for Firefox. Download here.

2. FriGate for Chrome (and more), an all-in-one plugin to avoid various blocks that fully supports EmerDNS zones. Download here.

3. There’s also PeerName with its own plugins for Opera, Chrome, and FireFox. It also allows you to register .emc, .lib, .bazar, and .coin domain names from a web interface. That’s pretty handy, but also pretty pricey: You’ll have to pay $7 per domain name, compared to the few cents for creating an EmerDNS record on your own.

Visit PeerName here.

Do you know any other browser extensions that can let you use a decentralized DNS? Let us know in the comments!

