Emercoin weekly digest #16

Eugene Shumilov about Emercoin
1 min readApr 28, 2017


We are launching our BLOGchain and are waiting for the observatory to open.

Hi, blockchainers!

Have you heard of our new project called the Blogchain? For everyone who stands on the fair side of the truth, our developers have created an aggregator for anonymous blogging with a web interface. You can use it not only to publish material, but also to search for secret and highly valuable information. A post can be deleted or edited only by its creator, no one else.

In March of this year, the The Blockchain Research Institute was established in Canada, and now the European Commission is seriously considering the establishment of a new expert center, the so called “blockchain observatory”, to study the application of blockchain technology in various spheres. Who knows, maybe in a decade or so, there will be a new subject added to the school curriculum — blockchain. Time will tell! https://www.finextra.com/newsarticle/30468/ec-plans-blockchain-observatory

We have found three short and easy ways to explain what the blockchain is, and how it works. No abstruse phrases or long sentences: What is Blockchain?

That’s all for now. Do you have any news or updates?

Emercoin weekly digest #15

