Emercoin weekly digest #26

Eugene Shumilov about Emercoin
2 min readJul 7, 2017


Welcome lovers of decentralization!

Last week kryptolebias was able to rest. Stock charts showed obvious lateral movement. The bitcoin exchange rate had fluctuated between 6–7%, falling to $2510, rising to $2660. Not so obvious, but still a flat period was also observed in the course of the broadcast. It ranged from 11–12%.
Traders look for events or statements that might push the market to a long-awaited “tothemoon”. For example, those — the expert on the cryptocurrency market Ronnie Moas does not exclude that by 2018, the bitcoin price will rise to $5000, and after 10 years… However, it’s better to hear this for yourself: here is the speech of Moesa from the recording material with Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-05/bitcoin-to-50-000-is-latest-call-from-prolific-stock-picker

To some, these numbers seem unreal? How to know: the demand for cryptocurrencies is growing rapidly. In Russia and Japan, 260,000 stores are beginning to accept bitcoins. If you are interested what the reason is, then here is the detailed information that has changed in the tax regulation of the cryptocurrency in Japan from July: http://www.coinfox.ru/novosti/7177-yaponiya-otmenila-nalog-na-bitkoiny

The Russian government finally saw the potential of the technology. The Economic Development Ministry announced plans to transfer Federal registration service on the blockchain platform, the Bank has proposed to use it for mining, nuclear and hydroelectric power (http://www.coinfox.ru/novosti/7186-veb-ne-isklyuchil-ispolzovaniya-aes-i-ges-dlya-majningovykh-tsentrov-blokchejn-proektov). Indeed, why waste time on trifles?

However, in parallel to this is Russia’s increasingly discussing the possibility of blocking instant messengers. So I advise you to consider how to make the conversation safe, private and protected. This is a particularly relevant issue for corporations. And then it will help the ubiquitous blockchain. And how exactly? — we will tell you at the seminar in Digital October (http://www.coinfox.ru/novosti/7182-samoe-vremya-v-digital-october-pokazhut-zashchishchjonnyj-korporativnyj-messendzher-ot-rossijskogo-integratora).

So don’t relax and go to work on making the implementation of criptica into reality! I’ll see you in a week!

Emercoin weekly digest #25

