Emercoin weekly digest #30

Eugene Shumilov about Emercoin
2 min readJul 28, 2017


Hello to all fans of the blockchain!

This is the week! The closing of the exchanges, arrests of founders, blocking bitcoin sites, the activation of Protocol BIP91… Becomes more and more interesting! What’s new with Emercoin?

Edward Kevbrin gave an exclusive interview to CoinFox, in which he spoke about his project CryptoCDN — the descendant of the conventional content delivery networks and blockchain and the choice in favor of the Emercoin blockchain: http://www.coinfox.info/novosti/7306-edward-kevbrin-we-like-to-work-where-we-really-important

After the interview’s publication readers wanted to know more about the blockchain against locks. All about technology EmerDNS in the article: http://www.coinfox.info/novosti/7325-emerdns-blockchain-vs-locks

We see endless discussions where you can apply the blockchain and where it will be effective. And Emercoin knows the answer. Russian companies Emercoin and Papyrus translate online advertising on the blockchain, details here: http://www.coinfox.info/novosti/7324-russian-companies-emercoin-and-papyrus-translate-online-advertising-in-the-blockchain

And finally, the most interesting! The Emercoin developers have decided to share with everyone their knowledge in the field of development in the blockchain. In this regard, the question is: what webinar topics would be of interest to you? What do you want to know? We appreciate everyone’s opinion! We wish you a lovely weekend and a happy time!
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