Super speed. The fast transfer of content from Eggs Datacenter using the Emer blockchain technology

Eugene Shumilov about Emercoin
3 min readJun 14, 2017


The Russian company Eggs Datacenter began their activities as a producer of licensed content, creating personal TV channels for restaurants, fitness clubs, and other large organizations. As the company grew, it began to face different problems: issues of copyright protection, the complexity of transferring massive content through a network and so on. All of these problems were solved by the creation of the distributed network infrastructure CryptoCDN that made it possible to deliver the reliable and super-fast delivery of licensed content on the Internet. Blockchain technology helped to create such a project.

“Emercoin is the only public blockchain with the possibility to store NVS records. A merged mining mechanism is implemented in it, meaning it is stable and reliable. The main developers comprise an experienced Russian team. You know, when you develop complex projects, the technical support of an experienced team is not only important, it is crucial”.

Eduard Kevbrin, Founder of Eggs Datacenter

How CryptoCDN works

The network of content delivery from Eggs Datacenter includes 107 servers with specialized software that accelerates content delivery to the end user. The servers are located in different cities of Russia and the CIS in such a way that the response time for website visitors was a minimal of <50 ms.

The content includes video, images, files, and other static website elements. In addition, CryptoCDN makes it possible to work with game content, delivering key updates immediately.

CryptoCDN contains all of the necessary functions:

  • A review of statistics. The user can track information on all downloaded files;
  • Integration with the user Content Maintenance System (CMS);
  • Work of a server group. In each of its 13 regions, Eggs Datacenter has up to 20 servers that are included in the appropriate group by specialists;
  • Cash cleanup;
  • Permanent control. StatusPage makes it possible to check the work of CryptoCDN. It is a technology that makes it possible for customers to receive the notifications of failures and scheduled maintenance in real time.

Why do we need Blockchain?

Blockchain is required for the protection of websites and user content. It excludes the possibility to counterfeit copyrights.

“We found with the Emercoin team a technology that really works and is what we need. It is EmerDPO. Then, we simply uploaded our videos on the website and stored their hash function in the blockchain. Later, we could send a link to the website to any of our customers, and they could check for themselves that it is our content that we own (of course, additionally we specified the links to the hash files in the license agreements)”.

Eduard Kevbrin, Founder of Eggs Datacenter

Except for EmerDPO, the system of incontestable evidence of ownership, CryptoCDN also uses other technologies:

EmerSSL — a system for password-free online authentication and EmerDNS, an alternative decentralized system of domain names for the creation of super reliable networks.

“CryptoCDN is one of the products for future decentralized data centers. Its speed is important in the same way as protection. Electronic document flow, hosting, and many other issues can be solved faster and cheaper. And many services of current data centers may become free of charge. It is an absolute advantage for people, and we will work for it together with the Emercoin team”.

Eduard Kevbrin, Founder of Eggs Datacenter

CryptoCDN advantages:

  • The protection and escalation of websites with content, files, software, and games.
  • <50 ms is the average response delay for the Russian Federation
  • 50 Mbit/s is the average connection speed
  • 107 points of server installation
  • Fast maintenance
  • Availability without censorship due to the use of EmerDPO

The official website of Eggs Datacenter:

