Jasmin Harsono
4 min readNov 17, 2020

What is Chakra Reiki meditation?

A Chakra Reiki meditation combines the awareness and movement of life force energy (Reiki) through the utilisation of the breath and guided voice or self-visualisation through the seven main energy centres (Chakras) in the body.

The awareness of life force energy, known as Ki in Japan, (Chi or Qi in China, or Prana in Yogic Hindu philosophy; Indian medicine, and yoga etc.) is discovered through breathwork and meditation.

In Chakra Reiki meditation, the deep breath awakens and stimulates the Ki. The spiritual energy points called Chakras in Sanskrit are spinning disks of energy that communicate with different parts of the being, including nerves, organs, bodily systems and energetic body. As Ki moves around the body, it enters the Chakras releasing any blockages present, helping us to feel aligned and balanced; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Where does it come from/what’s its history?

In Japanese, Rei means ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ and Ki means ‘the energy of the universe’ or together ‘universal energy’. Reiki describes the practice of healing with energy and refers to the ‘system of Reiki’ founded by Mikao Usui, in Japan, 1865. The method Usui created has five main elements: Reiki Principles, Meditation and Techniques, Hands-on Healing, Symbols and Mantras, Reiju and Attunements. As mentioned above, breathwork and meditation bring focus to Ki and therefore was paramount to Usui’s practise and teachings.

Usui did not seem to refer to the Chakra system in his teachings. He taught his students about the lower, middle and upper tandens energy points located in the Hara (belly), Heart and Head. When Reiki was introduced outside of Japan, teachers modified the system and introduced the Chakra system making Reiki more relatable for New Agers. The Chakras is part of an ancient system which derives from India and dates back to their oldest text called the Vedas between 1500–500 BC. Therefore we can say that New Agers would more likely have known about the Chakras system which would have made it easier to entice them into learning Reiki.

It is now common practice to be taught the Eastern and Western lineage of Reiki and why there is a combination of Reiki and the use of Chakras in meditation.

How do you practice it?

My Reiki Chakra meditation session concentrates on cleansing the Chakras to bring a state of flow and balance. The participant will start by focusing on their breath as I guide them into stillness. They will visualise their breath as waves; renewed energy flows in on the inhale and stagnant energy leaves the body on the exhale. Each breath helps to arrive deeper into the body and experience life force energy.

I will then journey through the seven chakras in the body. Starting with the first Chakra, the Root (Muladhara) located at the perineum, to ground the physical body and feel connected to the Earth, then Sacral (Swadhisthana), Solar Plexus (Manipura), Heart (Anahata), Throat (Vishuddha), Third eye (Ajna) and finally the Crown (Sahasrara) — located at the crown of the head and known as the bridge to the cosmos.

As I run through each Chakra, I describe the attributes and essence of it and ask the participant to visualise its corresponding colour and affirmation. Sometimes, I invite participants to place their hands over each Chakra, too, introducing touch.

The visualisation brings insight to how we are feeling in the present moment; we observe what is coming up for us and have a more profound sense of the self. The participant continues to breathe deeply, guiding Reiki to the specific Chakra I mention, and cleansing it of any imbalance.

For example, I would ask the participant to place their hands over their heart and focus on the colour green and repeat an affirmation such as I am worthy, or I am home all associated with the Heart (Anahata) chakra. Each part would happen in stages; touch, visualisation and affirmation.

Sensory contributions in meditation help keep focus, especially for those of us that get easily distracted. It moves us into a more in-depth and spacious state of consciousness.

After the final Chakra has been explored, I will invite the participant to bathe in the rainbow colours of the chakras, and light of Reiki. When my voice falls silent l continue to share Reiki, and allow the participant to rest and receive healing.

I will bring them back later by asking them to breathe and ground into their physical body and adjust back to their surroundings and space.

What makes it unique?

I have created this Chakra Reiki meditation through self-study and discovery during practice. I guess it is unique in the way I deliver it, and no matter how many times I do, each experience is different from what is needed as a way of healing in the present moment.

Who would benefit from this kind of meditation?

It is excellent for anyone who feels stuck in life; releasing blocks on all levels of the mind, body and spirit; and offers spiritual insights and awakenings. It deepens our innate awareness and intuition; feeling more creatively connected, motivated, and inspired.

It is essentially a good practice for everyone. I love sharing this meditation with people of all ages it is a practice that creates interaction within families particularly.

Find out more about Reiki and the Chakra system in Self Reiki written by Jasmin Harsono, published by DK: https://emeraldandtiger.com/selfreiki-book/

Join Jasmin’s Virtual Reiki and Sound meditation classes every Thursday, which includes the Chakra Reiki Meditation: https://emeraldandtiger.com/events

Jasmin Harsono

Jasmin is an intuitive wellness guide, speaker and author who fuses the synergies of modern life, conscious living and ancient practices to support and inspire.