The IT Not the IOT (Internet Thing not Internet OF Things

5 min readAug 21, 2018

By definition I’m not a digital native I’m a digital immigrant. But I’ve been of the internet as long as I can remember. Mary McKenna and I were talking recently on her visit to Federation House and bemoaning the fact that so many professional folk we know don’t really understand the internet. Like she and I google things probably on average a 100 times a day. We weren’t being data nerds but that’s probably a good average.

Mary on her recent visit to The Federation

When the internet is literally part of your neurological pathway you just have no empathy with or understanding of how the majority of people think or behave. When you are of the generation of The Web is Agreement you simply don’t or haven’t thought about the others — those whose lives and agency are being stripped away each search by internet search.

The brilliant visual created by Paul Downey in the early days of our netthusiam

So this is the tale of the Internet Thing not the Internet OF Things. The thing that is silently and without notice reshaping the lives of others in a way that they don’t or can’t comprehend. It’s the world of Google Ads vs Check a Trade so let me explain.

For ten years in London Tony and I were fortunate to have built a relationship with two amazing builders Pete…

