Book Rec #3 Hello Stranger by Katherine Center

Erin Belmares
3 min readJan 12, 2024


Hello Stranger by Katherine Center

Hello Stranger- The first book I finished in 2o24!

Hooray! My first step to my 300-book goal for the year!

Jk I’m just going to read to my heart's content and see where that takes me except I’m going to be fully into it this time.

I received this book through Book of the Month, a great subscription to buy chosen books at a lower price. I highly recommend it. It's $18/month and you can pick from 5 different books that the Book of the Month has chosen, they range from many different genres from romance to nonfiction to mystery- EVERYTHING! Added bonus is that they’re all hardcover unless you choose one of the audiobooks lol

Oh yeah, book review sorry ADHD brain here lol

One word for the book, sweet.

Sadie finally catches her big break when she becomes a top 10 finalist for a Portrait contest that not only would give her 10 grand but also make her feel a bit more connected with her deceased mother. However, when an unexpected brain surgery gives her face blindness, a relatively rare condition that prohibits the brain’s ability to recognize faces, Sadie has nearly lost all hope for the contest. She decides to focus on other things that could bring her some light to her life like the hot veterinarian who rescued her dog from a possibly fatal illness but when she thinks she gets stood up by him she can’t help but confide in her helpful neighbor Joe. With Joe becoming her new model for her portrait she hopes that this could give her the slightest chance of winning the competition. But with her usual strategy proving to fail at every brush stroke she’s going to have to utilize other options ;)

I love the representation of a condition that isn’t often talked about- Face Blindness. I haven't even heard about it until this book either! I feel like books really need more representation of a lot of things that aren't talked about as much such as conditions like these. It was a really sweet and cute friends-to-lovers romance and I love the moral of the story at the end of the book.

Things about the book

  • Good amount of reading 300+
  • Spicy level 1/5 (interrupted beginning of smut scene)
  • friends to lovers
  • He fell first
  • A bit of mistaken identity
  • A bit of fake dating (just a smidge)

My Loves of the Book

  • The love interest was cute sweet and goofy, which made him very likable
  • I enjoyed how stubborn the main character was and how contrastable she was against the love interest but how they found small things to connect one another
  • I loved that the love between the both of them blossomed and took time to grow and didn’t happen all of a sudden
  • Loved that it had a happy ending :) ❤


  • I felt that the kiss scene between them in order to save him in front of his ex was a bit random and out of place
  • Wish there was some spice in it but in all honesty, the book didn’t really need it
  • Felt that the other characters like the protagonist's best friend weren't as much of a present character as much as I'd like them to be
  • I felt that the grudges seemed a little empty for the protagonist. I understand in some aspects but I felt like it was just a bit much for the character

Overall I loved the book! I give it a 4/5 and would recommend :)



Erin Belmares

Hi! My name is Erin and I’m a 21 year old aspiring writer and book reviewer. I love reading, writing, watching Supernatural, knitting and making people smile :)