Septic Tanks

Emergency Plumbers
3 min readFeb 22, 2017


You have probably heard someone say that they need a septic tank for their farm or some other water business. This might have left you wondering what a septic tank is. Well, a septic tank is basically a water tank that can hold a water capacity of between 4000 and 7500 liters. Septic tanks are used mostly used in septic systems. Septic systems are sewage treatment systems that are in small scale. They are mostly used in areas that are not connected to a sewage system. Places that employ the use of septic systems are farms and homes located in the rural areas. Here are some more details about septic tanks from

Layout of a septic tank in a septic system

In a septic system, the tank is buried underground and is on one end connected to an inlet and an outlet on the other. The inlet pipe lets the sewage to flow into the tank while the outlet also referred to as a drain field allows the filtered wastewater to flow out.

Septic tank maintenance secrets

These tanks can be very dangerous if proper care is not taken. They cause water contamination due to poor maintenance and this has led to numerous deaths. It is estimated that more than 1200 people in the US die each year from contaminated water. The tanks are also a leading cause of waterborne diseases.

Septic tanks can be maintained by avoiding the use of excessive water. Solid materials usually settle in the tank. When you add excessive water to the tank that is more than the tan is built to handle, the water will flush out solid solids out of the tank. Therefore, the effluent flows out of the tank carrying the solid materials with it. The best thing to do would be doing an upgrade to your softener where you install an efficient one that uses less water.

Using a washing machine filter is another solution. Washing machines generate lint which clogs the soil in drain fields. An inline filter can be used to prevent lint from entering your septic tank. The inline filter is attached to the washing machine discharge hose.

By preventing solids from leaving the tank, you are maintaining your septic tank. This is done through the use of effluent filters that will definitely stop the large solids from leaving the drain field. You should also get your tank pumped regularly.

Minimize the use of household cleaning products as their excessive use can lead to septic system failure. Powdered detergents usually contain plastic filters are and can clog your drain field.

Do not dump solvents or products such as oils, paint thinners, pesticides, poison, and disinfectants as all these can interfere with the process of treatment thereby contaminating the ground water.

