— powerful explorer for the KEEP network

4 min readOct 1, 2020


Building an explorer is one of the most difficult but understandable ideas. When I started working on it, I realized that there might be a lot of explorers developed for KEEP, but I still wanted to try to do something that would be very convenient to use and provide very detailed information about the deposit and redeem process. —here’s it is! Сompletely built from scratch. And I did exactly what I wanted because it is:

  • Simple, fast, child-friendly :)
  • Explains the processes that take place in the KEEP Network in all details (not only a deposit contract);
  • Doesn’t require connecting metamask or other external applications;
  • Has own backend an API with which anyone can access;

Explore it and you will see that all the process of deposit and redemption are collected in operations and you can track them very conveniently.

The source code on Github:


As I said above, in my opinion the explorer should be such that there is no need to explain how to use it, so here I will explain only a few useful and interesting features.

Process on screen provides detailed information about the deposit process as a whole — it is monitoring not only the Deposit contract, but also other smart contracts called during the operation.

Open any operation and you will be able to understand how it was carried out in all details. Simple explanation of the processes.

You can track the progress of your transaction and see what is happening on the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchain. And you can also redeem minted deposit using one button.

Respawn capability

What if i accidentally closed tBTC DApp while making a deposit? How do I go back to the last step? Now it’s very simple! Find your pending transaction in KEEPscan and click on the tBTC DApp icon in the Operation log — the DApp will open in a new tab at the last step. Wonderful, isn’t it?

Get unused TDT

Anyone can redeem your TDT. And you can’t do anything about it. Nothing.

Fortunately, I made a special interface at that allows you to get someone else’s random TDT ID. Simple and fast. Take a look:

Getting TDT by lot size

Now, when you want to redeem tBTC, you can simply go to, select the lot size and get the TDT ID.

Own backend & open API

For the explorer, I developed my own backend from scratch, which collects information about transactions and provides an open API.

At the moment I am working on the API documentation so that anyone can get data about the cap network and develop their own applications, but already now you can use the following methods:

{url}/api/network — information about all available networks: block number, date and time of the last block, etc .;
{url}/api/statistic — network statistics: supply, minted and so on; {url}/api/statistic/deposits — deposits statistics: volume and count by dates;
{url}/api/statistic/redeems — redeem statistics: volume and count by dates;
{url}/api/deposit/latest — extended information about the latest deposits;
{url}/api/redeem/latest — extended information about the latest redeems;
{url}/api/deposit?page={page_number}&take={count} — extended information about all deposits with pagination;
{url}/api/redeem?page={page_number}&take={count} — extended information about all redeems with page pagination.


{url} or

{page_number} and {count} — for pagination

Mainnet or Testnet?

Both. You can easily switch between networks (using the button in the header of explorer):

What’s next?

There is still some issues and a lot of work ahead:

  • API documentation;
  • adding more information to the operation page;
  • extended network information;
  • … and much more)

But already now provides the most necessary functions.

The source code on Github:

Alexey Shvorak

