DevOps: The importance of collaboration for the best deliveries

3 min readMar 11, 2024


Have you ever been in a situation where someone told one of these phrases?

“it works on my machine”

“The infrastructure is 100% available! The problem is the code is poorly written and has not been tested properly.

“Without the evidence for auditing, without deployment.”

Trust me, you’re not alone! This conflict between development and operations teams has been going on for a long time, causing delays in product launches, poor quality products, and increasing technical debt.

But here’s the good news: DevOps is here to save us from misery! By promoting collaboration, DevOps helps development and operations teams work together to deliver better, more reliable, and seamless products.

Let’s dive deeper into how DevOps is transforming the technology industry and breaking down the barriers between development and operations teams.

Even though DevOps is not a technology, it follows several methodologies. It emphasizes task automation and uses continuous integration and delivery (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tools. It also requires implementing systems and tools that support the adoption of DevOps, including software development, real-time monitoring, incident management, resource provisioning, configuration management, and collaboration platforms.

What’s more, DevOps can work hand-in-hand with Agile and other continuous software development methods, IT service management frameworks such as ITIL, project management guidelines such as Lean and Six Sigma, and other strategies.

Why is DevOps important?

DevOps is all about enhancing the software quality and boosting the development project results. And the best part? It brings together developers, operations personnel, leaders, and stakeholders to create a collaborative and communicative environment. Say goodbye to silos and blocked communication!

With DevOps, you can create and test software in short, iterative cycles that respond to market changes and user needs faster (kinda like Scrum). The constant development cycle ensures that bugs are fixed faster and software is released with fewer errors and more availability.

By integrating development and operations tasks, DevOps frees the team to focus on more strategic activities. A well-implemented environment with DevOps practices can help companies offer more competitive and better quality products to the market faster, with fewer support and maintenance demands.

How does DevOps work?

Unlike traditional methods, DevOps doesn’t follow an all-or-nothing approach. Instead, it allows for flexibility in software development and release. Increments are made over time, which allows the team to adjust, change, learn, and take risks that would never be allowed in traditional methods.

DevOps process

With DevOps, teams use CI/CD pipelines and other automation to speed up the release process. Changes are analyzed quickly and policies and tools are used to ensure software quality. But writing fast code is not enough, quality code is equally important. And that’s where the DevOps team comes in.

The team uses some methods to ensure that the code behaves the same way, from development to testing and production. Changes are implemented individually so that issues are trackable. Automation and configuration management help create identical development and production environments. Issues discovered in operations lead to code improvements, often through post-mortem analysis and feedback channels.

Development and operations hand in hand

· Developers support live software and consider runtime.

· IT operations administrators provide guidance on efficient and safe use of resources.

· The entire team can contribute to post-mortem analyses.

What problems does DevOps solve?

Are you tired of the communication gap between your IT teams causing chaos and delays in your software development process? By breaking down the silos between development and operations teams, DevOps allows for seamless communication and priority alignment.

Gone are the days of developers throwing their code over the wall to the operations team and hoping for the best. With DevOps, developers work closely with operations to test and deploy code in identical conditions. This means that issues are caught early on, and changes are small and reversible, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Not only does DevOps streamline the development process, but it also provides a competitive advantage for companies. By enabling faster releases and market responsiveness, companies can stay ahead of the game and capitalize on new opportunities.




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