We Can all be Superheroes

Emile Ferlisi
3 min readJun 15, 2019

Superheroes save the world. Superheroes change the world; well, at least the fictitious world that they’re in. They’re adored for their confidence, wit (often), nerve, calm demeanor, and their ability to control the most difficult, impossible situations. Superheroes exhibit an ability to make quick, correct decisions that’s unparalleled. They’re also made up. Completely. Superheroes are the creative works of people like you and me, except that the people who create superheroes aren’t exactly like you and me.

For the most part, these creative artists have figured out what makes people great. Comic writers have taken these truths and wrapped them up in beautiful contexts, back stories, settings and problems to be solved. They’ve also had popular actors portray them on screen. But what makes superheroes great? What components of their greatness can we harness and apply to our own lives?

Superheroes know what their gifts are. They’ve learned what their super power is and they’ve figured out how to apply their power to make the world a better place. Now, we’re not going to battle super villains, but to be great we’ll have to find exactly what skill or skills we can offer the world to make it a better place.

Superheroes work on perfecting the use of their power(s). Whether it’s been through deliberate practice or iteration as they’ve applied themselves…



Emile Ferlisi

Daddy and educator. Learning that when I listen more, I learn more. So I’m learning to listen more.