Creativity In Planning And Why Do We Need It?

Emil Swenson
2 min readApr 19, 2023


Creativity in planning has not been discussed as it should be, since it has been disregarded for so long. Planning itself is a technical process of making strategies and methods for something (a goal). It can be used in many spheres of work, whenever you have a goal and you need to plan how to reach it.

Planning is usually used in

  • Management
  • Projects
  • Teaching
  • Marketing
  • Agile environments
  • Food services

…and many more areas of work. When we think about it, there is hardly any job that you can think of where one does not need a good plan. When you plan something, you need to set an objective and determine the process and steps needed to realize that objective.

Since it has been seen as a strategic, technical process, not many have realized how important creativity in planning really is.

Luckily, today we have apps like Easynote that can take care of the technical part of the process.

What is creativity?

Creativity can be described in many ways. Mostly, it is seen as using imagination and new ideas in order to create something.

Almost every job needs creativity. In today’s world, being unique in your business without a creative side is almost impossible. There are many creative competitors who may do the job better than you simply because they used creativity in their approach to customers, products, or employees.

There are many sources of creativity. For example, if you work in teaching, your source of creativity might be from pedagogy and psychology methodologies. If you are an artist, inspiration or creativity might come from your life.

If you are a project manager, your creativity might come from the motivation to reach your goal.

But, in order to be creative, most people need freedom and no restraints for their thinking. How can this be done when you need to develop a (project) plan which is full of rules that dictate how something can be done?

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