8 Unconventional Compliments Every Woman Wants To Hear

2 min readOct 25, 2017


Sometimes the best way to make a woman’s day is by saying the right things and using the right words. Don’t believe me? Try this on your girlfriend once a while and see the mood change, if she’s in a bad one that is. Or even otherwise, bestow her with kind words and a compliment once a while. Women are usually competitive with one another and our egos fuel us to be even more driven and capable from the rest and usually with the boyfriend, it’s a fear of being walked all over like a doormat. So there is a constant push to prove ourselves from time to time, with everything around. So you men out there can make it way easier by complimenting us women every now and then. Now there are various compliments you can dole out but the unconventional ones that really matter go a long way with us women folk. So if you wanna earn some extra brownie points, maybe these kind words will pave your way? P.S: Say it like you mean it though!

“I am Proud Of You”

Okay this compliment can get tricky. It could be mistaken as being patronising sometimes. So when you tell your woman you’re proud of her make it seem like you’re saying it out of a place of admiration and pride and not as an expectation. This one’s an important one though, if said right. Remember, how you deliver the words is of supreme importance.

“I am So Lucky To Have You”

This is one of the most endearing things to hear. I mean if you weren’t lucky to have her, you wouldn’t be with her right? So saying it loud out of sheer affection isn’t a bad thing at all. She probably knows it already and thinks the same about you but you do know how lucky you are at the end of the day! Let her know. Say the words…don’t just think them.

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