Natural History Museum. London.

API3 Operations Update: July 2022

Emily Cockley
2 min readAug 3, 2022

The data feed trial period is open and processes are being further refined.

Data Feeds

We are now in our free trial period for data feeds and the operations team has been working with the technical team this month to ensure we understand the process to get orders submitted into our GitHub repository as well as smooth out any initial process gaps in onboarding users to their data feeds. By taking on the order submission and follow-up communication steps, the tech team is free to continue working towards coverage while we make sure users are being given access to their data feeds. This month has seen a lot of progress in these processes!


We have added a couple new CRM and tool accessibility boards in Monday to serve as access points to the different parts of the CRM as well as any databases and tools we have outside of it. This is helping to keep the team more aligned on where information is, who manages it, and what relevance they have with the CRM processes.

We have also reduced nearly all redundant boards and workspaces with the exception of needing to coordinate with Integrations next cycle on their use of the CRM in light of the switch from deploying Airnodes to strengthening their developer advocacy role. Once the new context is taken into account, we plan to rebuild the interconnectivity of their workspace into a simpler and more accessible database like we have accomplished with the others.

Community Moderation

The community moderation team is hitting their stride with the newly implemented processes and procedures. With recent events, announcements, and increased responsiveness, we did see higher message counts and more engagement in June. July showed a slow of message counts from June’s peak, however with the counts remaining above those reported in May, it seems that there is indication that Community Moderation efforts are beneficial to API3 social pages. Monthly updates will continue to provide insight into the success of this endeavor.

US Contributors

US Contributors are officially onboarded to WorkCo. From here, US Contributors will be paid in this method and API3 will periodically check in with WorkDAO for relevant updates.

