National Geographic. How long has everyone screamed for ice cream? July 9, 2020.

API3 Operations Update: June 2022

Emily Cockley


Solid distribution of new activity and follow up — the sweet spot of an update.

US Contributors

Negotiations with WorkCo are wrapping up and we are beginning to onboard US Contributors with priority going to those who wish to be transitioned sooner. All contributors wanting to make this transition will have done so by the end of July. We are looking forward to having this transition completed.

Community Moderation

Following a two-week transition period, the processes taken over by the Operations team have proven to be effective in ensuring the overall safety of our social communities. With improved reaction time and the general excitement around the project, community engagement seems to be increasing overall. We will be following up with a review of the Community Report this month to compare activity and analyze areas of improvement. We will be able to report more on this next month once a complete reporting period has taken place, providing a more concrete baseline statistic.

CRM Adjustments

The Monday admin team has been working towards cleaning up individual views and building more meaningful interdependencies within the BD boards as efforts grow to include dApp and Protocol outreach. By restructuring the information in each board, we were able to connect data from different departments in a more accessible way. This will help us develop a clearly interconnected database as we get closer to having a fuller ecosystem with live data feeds in the coming months.

With complete databases, we will be able to create dashboards which can help us track impactful activities and see any gaps in the ecosystem as we build. In the coming month, we intend to do some preliminary dashboarding to help identify any early gaps before building out more detailed dashboards through the remainder of the cycle.

