(Ex)Changing The Universe

Inspired by Jandy Nelson’s “I’ll Give You The Sun”

Emily Roberts
1 min readMar 14, 2017
Photographic Credit: NASA, Unsplash

You give me the sun.
I’ll sell you the sky.
You take the trees,
I have the mountains high.

You’ll have the meadows,
And me the plains.
You give the oceans
And I, clouds of rain.

You take my bushland.
I’ll buy your cliffs.
You walk the deserts,
As I float ice drifts.

Trade me the valleys
For your caves.
You watch stones fall,
While I watch waters wave.

Barter me the forest
For a crevasse
You get crystal lightning,
And I get winds, a-mass.

We’ll exchange my glaciers,
And your rocky hills
If you tell me her secrets,
I’ll tell you nature’s wills.

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Emily Roberts

The end of the world begins with rain and I drown in its colour.