Where can you buy Instagram Verification?

Emily Miller
4 min readOct 15, 2021


Statista reviewed 200,00 Instagram influencer accounts and found that out of the accounts having over one million followers, 73.4% were verified. Out of the accounts having between one hundred thousand and one million followers, 22.4% were verified. Many influencers and businesses aim to gain Instagram verification seeing that it is a great opportunity and status symbol. But gaining Instagram verification is extremely difficult. It also has to be noted that the verification badge was not meant to be a status symbol, but rather as a display of authenticity.

Below I will explain how influencers or businesses are able to get verified, and if it is possible to purchase an Instagram Verification Service from reputable reviewed services like Sitetrail.

Are you able to purchase Instagram verification?

No. To gain Instagram verification, users have to meet specific account and eligibility requirements. The four general requirements that Instagram has enforced is:

  1. Being authentic. The account has to represent a real person, registered business, or entity.
  2. Being unique. The account has to represent the unique presence of the person or business it represents. Additional rules are that only one account per person or business may be verified, and that general interest accounts are not verified by Instagram.
  3. The account has to be complete. To have a complete account, it has to be public, it has to have a bio, profile photo and at least on post.
  4. The account has to be notable. To do so, the account has to represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand, or entity. It has to be noted that Instagram will review accounts which have featured in multiple news sources. Paid and promotional content does not qualify.

Users also need to note that Instagram will only verify an account if they see it is necessary. “Currently, only Instagram accounts that have a high likelihood of being impersonated have verified badges.”

Steps to gaining Instagram verification

Although users are not able to purchase verification, there are steps to follow which would assist in their verification application being accepted. We have compiled a list of these steps to assist influencers and businesses pursuing Instagram verification.

  1. Be newsworthy

Accounts need to be noticeable and should do things that are worthy to be reported on in news sources. Influencers and businesses should consider releasing a press release when they have something to announce. To save time and to have a greater chance at being recognised by news sources, you would be able to use a professional press release distributor. SiteTrail offers press release distribution and writing services. Not only is their distribution low cost, but they also offer writing services. The press releases will be written by journalists and then be distributed to a range of mainstream media outlets and professionals. This would assist users gain Instagram verification by Sitetrail.

2. Be searchable

By having people search your name, or your brand’s name online, the higher chance the account will have of being verified. When Instagram decides on the status of the verification application, they audit the amount of times and how often the account or name is being searched for. To be more searchable, it would be wise to link the Instragram to accounts on other social media platforms.

3. Increase followers and engagement

Although having thousands of followers is not enough to gain verification, it does play an important role. The amount of followers does remain irrelevant, but the amount of engagement with the account they offer is important. To gain high levels of engagement, accounts should identify their niche and strengths so that it can be focused on.

4. Personalization is key

Seeing that Instagram verifies accounts due to them being authentic, users can personalize their posts to ensure that their posts and account differs from other accounts with similar names. To personalize the posts and account, users should aim to add a part of their personality to the posts. They should also aim to create and share content which has not been done before. This will ensure uniqueness and authenticity.

The takeaway

Working towards gaining Instagram verification is a process which will take a lot of effort and time, but it is definitely worth it once the verification is achieved. Being verified on Instagram places the account on a pedestal and makes the account seem more trustworthy. But, users need to note that this badge can be taken away as well. Instagram has stated that they will remove the verification if the account aims to advertise, transfer, or sell your verified badge, or if the account is used to mislead other users regarding promotion of other services.

