Will a Young Progressive Democrat end the Dingell Dynasty

AMC’s push for The Green New Deal, Medicare for All and Authentic Politics.

Emily Carlyle
4 min readMar 1, 2019

With the passing of the former US Representative John D. Dingell, many people are wondering if they will see a change in Michigan’s twelve congressional district. The current incumbent, Debbie Dingell, took over John’s position in 2015. Because she has spent her past life as Republican and a General Motors Executive, many people are open to electing a new representative, maybe with more of a progressive approach? Anthony M. Carbonaro says “Yes! It’s been over 80 years since we seen a new name, it’s time for change.”

I sat down with Anthony for an in-depth one on one interview where he opens up Pandora’s box on the possibility of running for Michigan’s twelve district and what it means for constituents and Americans across the country. I thought the interview to have a real feel with a sense of conviction. Anthony truly displays a vast understanding of the economic side of the progressive movement. Here is an interview recap.

I was sitting with my coworker drinking a cup of coffee as Anthony sat down. My first impression was that of Superman. His completion and facial structure gives him a Clark Kent type of look. He was also very relatable.

“Anthony, we are very glad to have you here today! You were fairly easy to get ahold of which surprised us for someone who wants to run for office.”

Anthony instantly came back with a real empathetical reply.

“this is what you need to understand when it comes to accessibility; people are loosing faith in politics because they don’t feel the value that’s promised to them. Once politicians are in office, they loose contact with their constituents, making it hard to help from a distance. My direct complaint line can be found on Facebook messenger. Ease of access”

His talk of social media has brought on some good questions.

“Social Media is a new tool politicians are using. You have an extensive background in marketing for local businesses, can you tell us how you are going to use social media?”

He replied

“Social media is used by politicians to convince people to donate to their campaign. They’re using it to sell people on their campaign. They are not using it as a real tool to display transparency and authenticity.

I will use social media to help others. I have created a Facebook Messanger AI Bot named ‘Kali’ which will will be a personal assistant to anyone who messages my Facebook page. ‘Kali’ will help people connect with their city officials and services. Campaigning should be about helping others, not asking for donations.”

Here is a snapshot of his Facebook Messenger AI Bot ‘Kali’

AMC then goes on to explain his role as a transparent candidate. He stated “I will have a small film crew with me at all times. We will show the people all the ins and outs of running a campaign by using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. The people will see consistent work, helping the community in all aspects of life.”

Anthony went to explain how ‘Kali’ collects general data and has made some huge discoveries related to how people want to pay for the Green New Deal and other Progressive ideas such as Medicare for All.

“People are paying enough to FICA already! ‘Kali’ my AI bot has asked many people how we should pay for all this and people have suggested things such as taxing the rich, but what we find is owners having a large dissatisfaction towards growing a business when they’re taxed and have no room to grow. So we find ourselves making the decision to limit capitalism and promote social programs or keep free markets as they are, competitive with little government oversight. It’s a moral question.

Let me introduce a concept that works economically for our country instead of taxing our own citizens. Let’s build a Sovereign Wealth Fund. This is a fund used by many other countries who have social programs such as Norway, EAU, and China. It funds all their programs.”

So you believe we can fund our countries social programs by owning businesses?

“Yes we can own businesses all over the world. We can keep promoting capitalism by joining in the competitive market just like others. We can profit over 1trillion dollars a year.”

Interesting perspective. Now you are an immagrant?

“Yes, I was born in Romania post Ceaușescu communism. I came to America in August 95’ at 11 months of age. I find the American dream to be limited because of social injustice and inequality of opportunity.”

What are some issues the district faces?

“Recently some of Michigan’s Original Big Three Ford, GM and Chrysler-Fiat have decided to move their factories out of state, leaving neighborhoods destroyed and leaving households without income. Michigan thrives due to auto manufactures and the local contractors.

Anthony and I talked for another 20 minutes discussing the campaign and it’s platform. “You plan to run on a progressive platform?”

He said “my generation is going to secure our future. Yes we have no other option but to run on a progressive platform and guarantee the safety and security of our nation.”

Anthony surly is building up momentum fairly quick in his district. We can only wonder what the future holds for us, but what we can guarantee is change.

Anthony plans to speak with us again soon. Expect to see him on social media.

