As Our Nation Struggles to Find Its Way, We Should Listen to Words from the Past

Emily Hargan
5 min readJun 26, 2020

I don’t know about you but lately I feel as if I am a stranger in a strange land. As I scroll through the news, my Twitter feed and my social media accounts, I am appalled by the images I see. We are light-years away from the original protests over the horrific death of George Floyd. Now, town squares are littered with toppled statues of Christian saints, World War II Memorials are desecrated with spray paint, entire city blocks have been occupied by protestors for weeks on end, and last weekend over 100 people were shot in Chicago.

Perhaps even more appalling is that while we helplessly watch our cities get trashed, our leaders are either remaining silent or they are standing complicit with those intent on doing harm. We must not let our great country fall to violence and mob rule.

We must not let our leaders back away from their responsibility. We have to hold them accountable and demand that they show up for work and defend our country. It’s time for us to set an agenda that includes protecting religious liberty, respect for all life, education freedom, economic stimulation and support for families, and security for all Americans.

This great American experiment is not lost. In fact, we have been here before. We have been a nation divided in civil war; a nation facing its worst economic depression; a nation on the brink of world war; and we have fought together and survived. We have had great leaders in history who have…

