Day 4: Yellowstone: A Lil’ Montana, A Whole Lotta Wyoming

Emily White
4 min readJun 5, 2019


It’s NATURE DAY! We knew we were headed toward Yellowstone, so we got up early and hit the road, probably same time as yesterday (around 7:15a).

Aside: Right before that, we ran down to the hotel lobby to grab some coffee and saw British PM May and Trump doing a joint press conference. We stopped to watch, but how crazy is it that my stomach still drops when people refer to Trump as the President? To this day, tough for me to come to terms with. Sheesh.

ANYWAY, we got on the road and before you know it, we were at the West gate of Yellowstone. Thank goodness for our annual National Parks Pass — we’ve used it twice in four days to get into parks for FREE! :) While Yellowstone is incredibly beautiful this time of year, the traffic and construction were horrible. Tons of stopped cars. We weren’t sure we’d ever make it out of there.

Good news? The beauty made it a little more palatable. We were so taken in with the scenery that we really didn’t listen to anything on the radio or many podcasts. We just chatted and pointed at all the gorgeous things. The mountains, the rivers, the bison, oh my! Ohhhhh give me a hoommmme, where the bufffallloooo rooooam!

I’ve never been to Old Faithful, so it was fascinating to walk around there, though we didn’t stick around to actually see it erupt (we’re on a schedule, people!!). Definitely cool to learn about.

After heading out the Eastside of the park, we trekked through the Shoshone National Forest, one of my favorite places so far. We ran some trails with the puppies, but came back to some Ranger dudes warning us about the dog food in the truck; they were super concerned about bears getting into it. We didn’t see any wildlife at all, but guess we should take their word for it.

Landing in Cody, WY around 4p, we were starving. We picked Trailhead for beer and pizza/burgers and stuffed ourselves silly. To top it off, we splurged for Blizzards at the local DQ. I can’t remember the last time I had one….MAYBE high school?

The next stop on the agenda tomorrow: Mt. Rushmore/Rapid City. I never expected to see this part of the country (nor was I actually interested), but frankly, I’m impressed with the beauty of this area. Surely, these towns are less popular than the big cities that surround them, but mercy, this beauty is unparalleled. Get outside and explore — you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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On the Radio: NATURE, PEOPLE! Straight up nuthin’. And, I loved every minute.

Missed yesterday’s post? Read about Pocatello, Idaho.



Emily White

Tech Marketing Strategist. Design Systems True Believer. Recent transplant to Raleigh NC.