Capstone Process _Week 01

Emily Buck
1 min readMay 16, 2020

This week started I started ideating on my year long capstone project, which will complete my five year design education at the University of Cincinnati.

Right now, this project is a wide open blue sky, which is both exciting and challenging. Capstone is an opportunity to really explore a topic that I am passionate about, and create a deliverable that is truly my own. And while this is exciting, I have never had this amount of design freedom or creative control. This created a little mental block as I started my ideation process. I kept getting hung up on end results before I even truly considered the validity of the idea. After talking to my professor, I was able to reframe and simply focus on topic spaces that I was interested in.

While I am still exploring several topic spaces, I am looking forward to diving into research and really flushing out these topic spaces into smaller, more concise ideas.

This next week I will be flushing out my topic spaces and hopefully landing on an idea, and begin telling the story of my project.



Emily Buck

Design student in UC’s school of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. Documenting my senior capstone process.