Writer’s Block

Emily C
3 min readJun 19, 2019

A Short Story

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The other day I sat down to write. As soon as my fingers hit the keyboard, I was interrupted by a knock. Before reaching the door to open it myself, a group of three, ominous characters came tumbling into my small apartment — uninvited and unannounced. I let out a groan. Their appearance came as no surprise and meant only one thing.

I call them the Procrastination League. Their ringleader disgusts me most: Writer’s Block. He was surrounded by his posse of sidekicks, Crippling Anxiety and Self Doubt.

Trying to remain composed, I kindly asked them to leave. Predictably, this amounted to nothing. Giving into frustration, I told them they at least had to stay in another room while I worked to get my writing done.

I should have seen this coming. These guys are known to be horrible house guests. Several rooms over I sat hunched over my laptop staring at a blank screen but could hardly concentrate. Crippling Anxiety and Self Doubt were yelling over one another while Writer’s Block laughed boisterously, clearly pleased with the situation.

Fed up with their antics, I tried to distance myself. I meditated and focused on my breath. All I could do focus on was Writer’s Block hyena laughter. I took a walk around the block but Self Doubt followed me. I even listened to soothing music, but crippling anxiety…

