He’s not a buffoon

To say so is dangerous

Emily Munroe
2 min readDec 18, 2016
Credit Alfredo Garzon

The time for name calling is over. We cannot excuse a man’s actions by calling them, or him, insane, idiotic, stupid, impulsive, or narcissistic. It is dangerous to dismiss them in this way.

Unfortunately it is equally dangerous to address the behavior because there is an element of narcissism at play. Playing into it gives away a lot of control. Pointing something out, even if you’re calling it out as wrong, reinforces the concept in our brains. It creates a neural pathway and strengthens the connection. The solutions are complicated, nuanced, tedious, slow. They are not fun. They don’t feel good. They require trudging, labored, mental energy.

The alternatives are emotional, cathartic, hot, rewarding, and deadly. They have already killed.

Make no mistake, the enemy is thoughtful, calculated division. While we are distracted by parlor tricks. Division is seeping in.

-Act 1: Divide people into groups. create “others” for everyone. (Check)

-Act 2: Undermine the validity of the press. Treat all statements of facts as a matter that is up for debate and worthy of scrutiny. (Check)

-Act 3: Undermine the validity of intelligence. Treat the highest levels of law enforcement, investigation, and government oversight as illegitimate. (Check)

-Act 4: Reinforce the belief that all safeguards are crumbling and only you can save us all. (Check)

This is really happening. It’s happening right in front of us.



Emily Munroe

I teach high school biology in San Jose. I am also one of the strangest people I know.