Book Review #1: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Emily Wright
4 min readApr 21, 2024



First impressions

Before reading

I was NOT a fantasy girl before this book. I had honestly kind of avoided it like the plague because of the ‘smut’ reputation that these books tend to get. I think part of the reason I finally caved was because I had a friend in each ear recommending this book specifically.

The cover is insanely cool — which was also a draw. I am very pro ‘judging a book by its cover’ because mote often than not a cool cover is indicative of a cool story.

When I decided to give fantasy a try (before this specific book was recommended to me) I was going to start with the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. However — once I posted on my Goodreads that I was starting that series one of my friends immediately texted me and said I needed to start with The Empyrean series. So I changed course — and I’m very glad I did.

First Chapter

After the first chapter my takes were interesting to say the least. Reading the back of the book summary might be helpful before I start into my thoughts.

I found Violet so so so hateable at the start of the story. She seems like she’s trying to give a little too much ‘not like the other girls’ energy with her seemingly incessant thoughts of how she’s supposed to be one thing but is being forced to be another. It just felt like she was setting herself up to turn into something bigger than she deserved — think the girl who says she’s ‘like never played basketball’ then makes her first 5 shots. She comes across very pick me.

Her sister Mira, however, seems like a certified badass. We don’t see much of her in this first chapter besides her seeing Violet off, but I was excited to see what she did the rest of the story.

There is a reference to someone named Dain early on who seems important to Violet. Mira mentions how important it is that Violet find him as soon as possible once she joins the riders. This is a strong set up for an interesting sub plot and I was excited.

The first chapter certainly grabs my attention — there are several people introduced/mentioned that sound intriguing to follow throughout the story. We meet Violet, Xaden, Rhiannon, Mira, and Dain — an all-star intro team as far as I’m concerned.

Midway thoughts

Halfway through this book I could not read it fast enough. The plot had been steadily engaging from the beginning — something I wasn’t necessarily used to. Fantasy lends itself to quick reading I’ve learned.

At this point in the book I was viewing Dain through a much different lens than the rose colored glasses I had in the first chapter. I’m starting to feel like there has to be a catch soon — there has to be a point where we realize that Dain is actually not one of the good guys. I have no evidence but my gut is telling me it’s coming.

Xaden we should hate but I just can’t help but love him. He seems like Dain’s foil from my POV. I’m excited for more Xaden character development and to see how that affects everyone else in the story.

Violet is more likeable now than she was at the beginning but she is still very hateable in my opinion.

There is a plot point that comes out around the middle of the book and I would comment explicitly on it but that would be a major spoiler so I will just tell you that something big happens and it shocks me but not in a necessarily exciting way right off the bat. It’s like initial shock followed by an eye roll then followed by an admission that it’s kind of badass.

The big plot point reveal leads to another major plot point reveal which at this point in the story feels….tired? But turns into one of my favorite parts of the story.

By this point in the book Violet has made it abundantly clear that she either actually isn’t afraid of Xaden or just isn’t willing to show that she is. Either way, I love it.

Last chapter feels

I finished this book and basically immediately started the sequel if that tells you anything about how it ends. I am fully committed to this series and also lowkey hate Rebecca for only having two of the books out right now.

My final take on Dain is in fact that I hate him, and his dad, and Violet’s mom. I will not elaborate to avoid spoilers but just know, this hate runs deep. .

Obviously at some point in the book Xaden and Violet have crazy fantasy book smut sex and it gets weird and intense for the pages that it happens (yes pages, and pages, and pages) and by the end of this book I could live with never reading anything more about it.

Unfortunately for the girlies, Violet is serving simp towards the end of this book. I get it but also like hold strong babe, please.

I was chomping at the bit for book two. This book sealed my fate as a fantasy girly.

Favorite characters

  • Xaden
  • Imogen
  • Mira
  • Rhiannon
  • Liam
  • Garrick

Least favorite characters

  • Violet (sorry)
  • Dain
  • Jack Barlowe
  • Colonel Aetos
  • General Sorrengail

Overall rating


I deducted half a star because Violet annoys me.

Three words/tags

Character development


Enemies to lovers



Emily Wright

Book Reviews, Recipe Ventures, Coffee Chronicles, Thoughts on Life