3 min readSep 14, 2015

What are the benefits of Artemisia annua?

Medical science has evolved a lot over the years as there are so many new inventions in this sector that are helping people to get cured. There are also the cutting edge technologies that are used in treating different medical conditions. But there are still little things that make the good and old Chinese traditional medicine very popular among the people. Chinese Traditional Medicines are very popular among the people all over the world. There are different medicines and techniques that are used in Chinese Traditional Medicines practices. We all know about acupuncture and the herbs that are used in Chinese Traditional Medicines. There are also different tea types that are used to treat different diseases. We all know about the benefits of green tea and how, popular green tea is?

Tea is very popular all over the world and there are many companies that produce tea all over the world and have been very successful in this tea business. There are many countries that produce tea and India is one of those that are known for its large amount of tea production. It is an aromatic beverage and is very famous drink all over the world. Tea also has several health benefits and that is the reason why there are many people who drink tea every day several times. It is the most popular drink after water. Tea is equipped with astringent flavor that is what attracts many people towards it. Tea was first originated in China and now also there are many people all over the world that drink tea every day and several times a day. It is also considered in many places as a medicinal drink, and that is why there are many people who drink it every day.

There is another popular tea type that is used for many years in China to treat common Fever. This is Artemisia annua, which is quite popular among the people all over the globe. There are so many health benefits of the Artemisia annua. In this context, we will try to find out the list of A. Annua benefits. There are also many companies that are producing Artemisia annua products for the customers and one of the best in the business is Nootriment.

Below is the list of A. Annua benefits:

Artemisia annua as TCM: Artemisia annua is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has several health benefits and properties that can cure different diseases. In china, it is known as Qing Hao. Artemisia annua to treat fever: Artemisia annua has been used to treat fever in China for ages and now it’s quite popular among the people all over the globe.

Artemisia annua for treating Malaria: While researching on Drugs treating Malaria, researchers have found Artemisinin in the Artemisia Annua plant. Researchers all over the globe are looking for different alternatives for Malaria drugs and in the process they found Artemisia annua. In the Artemisia Annua plat there is Artemisinin which is used to treat Malaria.

The element thujone: There is another element that is present in the Artemisia annua, which is believed to have antioxidant properties.

Artemisinin for immune systems: The extract of Artemisinin from the plant helps in boosting the immune system.

Artemisia annua in aromatherapy: The Artemisia annua is also known for its calming properties. It is known to have calming effects and that is why is used in aromatherapy.

Artemisia annua is used in craft industry: Craft industry is a very huge industry and there are many products that are quite popular among the people. The Artemisia annua is used in many of the products in the craft industry such as herbal pillows and potpourri.

Artemisia annua is used in the Perfume Industry: Due to its herbal properties and fresh fragrance it is also used in the Perfume Industry.

Artemisia annua is used in Winnery — As this tea has so many properties it is also used in flavoring beverages and wine.

Artemisia annua is used for cancer studies: There are two components that are present in the Artemisia annua plat and these two components are Artemisinin and artesunate. Artemisinin and artesunate are studied for cancer treatment.