I Ran a Half Marathon Everyday for 74 Consecutive Days

Here’s what happened

Emily Rudow
13 min readAug 23, 2017


I’m sitting here partially overwhelmed and partially bewildered; I actually completed the half marathon challenge I set out to accomplish over two months ago, and now here I am, sharing my experience through this blog post. It’s taken me almost a month to write this after I finished, partially because I wanted to ensure I articulated my experience as true to the core as I possibly could, but also because life got pretty hectic once my half marathon challenge was completed. The time I allotted each day for the challenge was quickly eaten up by other commitments, mostly involving my start-up, Oneiric. But low and behold, here I am, finally sharing my experience with everyone who has supported, encouraged and followed me throughout this challenge. If this is your first time stumbling across my blog posts and half marathon challenge, then welcome, I am equally as excited to share my story with you as well!

Since finishing, I have done a lot of thinking and reflecting, and to my surprise, one of the hardest parts of the challenge was actually ending it. Committing 3–4 hours a day to this challenge certainly ate up a huge chunk of time, but felt like it was filled with purpose through the backing and support of my friends, family, the running community and even complete strangers had generously…

