Something that broke my brain

Emily Deans
1 min readJul 8, 2017


A thing I’ve come to accept and recognize as a constant in this program is that — at least once every day — something seemingly innocuous will come across my path and it will break my brain. Actually.

It’s good though. It forces me to push way outside my comfort zone and then to scale back to approach problems beginning with my most fundamental, base-level acquired knowledge. This helps build and reinforce layers of understanding, which I hope will assist me in this process as I move toward increasingly challenging problems and exercises.

Today, the thing that finally did it was:

This one definitely had me stumped for a good couple of hours. The upshot? After receiving a visual breakdown for a few solution approaches with a very patient instructor (thank you, Michael), I finally understand and can replicate and explain. Which I will do tomorrow. Tonight, I’m going to check off a few items on my personal to-do list, and get to bed at an unreasonable hour for a Friday night.



Emily Deans

Washington, D.C.-based web developer. Former cheesemaker/food-systems nerd and current nerd in general.