#AIhype take-downs

Emily M. Bender
5 min readSep 20, 2022


On reflecting on how much time I spend working to deflate and counteract AI hype, and how much of that ends up as Twitter threads, I thought it would be useful to have a place to link to all of them. Trying this out as a Medium post rather than just a page on my own website on the theory that this will have greater reach.

Links given in reverse-chronological order, to make it easier to find new things when readers check back. (Though in the short term, I may be turning up more older ones and slotting them in to their spot in the list.)

I’m only listing informal things here. For my publications see my publications page; for media appearances (including podcasts) see my media page. You may also be interested in Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, my podcast with Alex Hanna (also available as videos).



Emily M. Bender

Professor, Linguistics, University of Washington// Faculty Director, Professional MS Program in Computational Linguistics (CLMS) faculty.washington.edu/ebender