3D Printed Object: Page Holder

Emily Nuri
4 min readFeb 11, 2019


HCDE 451 series

Use three of the following operations to create a 3D Model: extrusion, boolean (adding or subtracting), revolution, and fillet edge/surface.


The idea of designing a page holder came to mind as I attempted to take photos of my sketches in my sketchbook which kept closing as I was trying to hold it with one hand. In my ideation process, I attempted to form a simple object that would solve this problem.


After determining the final shape of my prototype, I designed the object on Rhino. This proved to be more difficult than I had anticipated since I had to create my own shape versus using one that is already available in Rhino. Due to this, and the project time constraint, I had to compromise some of the features I wanted to incorporate into the prototype such as finding a way to create a more comfortable thumb hold. Finally, after designing the page holder on Rhino, I printed it using a 3D printer in the CoMotion space.

Design in Rhino, Perspective view

Product Description

The final page holder prototype is able to hold books, magazines, or notebooks open, which accomplished my main goal. Some of the constraints of the prototype include that it has sharp edges, that can cause light dents in the book, magazine, etc. when it is used. The prototype also turned out a little bit smaller than I had measured before the 3D print. Though my thumb was still able to fit, it was a very tight fit.

Outcome of User Testing and Critique

Areas that were effective

  • The ability to personalize page holders is a neat idea, it makes the experience of using the page holder more engaging and personal.
  • It is small and so it would be convenient to bring anywhere.
  • The design is simple, minimalistic, and aesthetic.

Areas that need improvement

  • The thumb hole should be bigger or more proportionate. Some users were not able to fit thumb into the hole.
  • The edges of the prototype are very sharp. Rounding them could help make the page holder a little easier to use.
  • Some users were confused on how to the prototype even after knowing it was a page holder. Instructions on how to use it would have made the users less confused when testing the prototype.

More Time and Reflection

If I had more time for this project, future implementation would include the listed areas of improvements in the critiques, iteration of more designs and more in-depth usability tests. I would also take time to learn more about the capabilities of different features available when designing 3D objects in Rhino.

Looking back on this process, I really enjoyed the process of creating and ideating on an object that does not have a defined shape or structure. It gave me the freedom to be innovative and creative. It was also rewarding to create something that solved a real-life problem I was experiencing. I am excited to see what else I can create with my new skills.



Emily Nuri

HCDE 210 Portfolio Fall2016… Enjoy!