Notes on the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, 4.8.24 @2:20pm EDT

Emily Neptune, Astrologer
4 min readApr 7, 2024


Hello friends, we have a new moon tomorrow that just so happens to be a total Solar Eclipse! And it’s a supermoon too! This means the moon is closer than usual to earth so the energy of all of this will be felt more intensely.

The news has been nonstop reporting on this eclipse for weeks now. Here in the States people are flocking toward the path of totality to witness it. School has been canceled (“remote learning” lol) where I live in Atlanta because of the eclipse. It’s Eclipse-mania! People are freaking out!

Well, I am definitely here for anything that gets people fired up over the magic of nature. The awe inspiring experience of living on Planet Earth and observing the moon transits and what is going on in the sky. Sure, yes please!

That said, as your astrologer I’m here to remind you that we experience eclipses every year, a couple of times per year. In terms of astronomy, it is more rare to have a TOTAL eclipse so this is special astronomically. For us astrology nerds, however, this could been seen as just another eclipse season. But it is happening at a very intense moment in time and in our society, and during a super dynamic time astrologically. No doubt, it is a moment in which there is a lot of stress and intensity and everything feels a little bit “extra”.

“As above, so below.” And accordingly, this moment is written in the stars.

An eclipse is always a new or full moon happening close to one of the nodes of the moon. This one is a new moon in Aries and the eclipse is happening at the North Node of the moon. The North Node in astrology symbolizes what we are here to learn: our karmic path in this lifetime. Eclipses are wild cards in astrology — potential pivot points that ultimately guide us to our path, or redirect us to the path from which we have strayed.

A new moon in Aries happens every year at this time, just after the equinox when spring is on full blast in the Northern hemisphere. The sign of Aries is cardinal fire — the first sign of the zodiac symbolized by the ram. Aries is all about the NEW, and about beginnings.

And Aries is all about the self, aka the ME. Its opposing sign is Libra, which is all about the WE. The Aries-Libra axis is about the me vs the we: the relationship axis. To have this new moon solar eclipse happening in the sign of Aries means that relationship issues are the theme here. In astrology the sun is the self and the identity. The moon is the emotional self and the feelings.

If you think about astrology as a language of symbols, you can read this eclipse as the identity (sun) being blocked by the feelings (moon). There are lessons to be learned here, and new intentions to be set. The energy of the eclipse will play out over the next six months so this eclipse and this moment can be used as a time of planting the metaphorical seeds for what you want to grow this year in terms of your personal growth and sense of self.

What happens when the self gets neglected or ignored or blocked out? What happens when the partnership is prioritized over the self? The WE over the ME?

Aries is all about our inner authority. Our sovereignty. Our autonomy. This new moon in Aries is a moment to reclaim this Aries energy if it has fallen by the wayside. To remind ourselves that we are our own boss. To straighten our crown and get back on the throne and remember for whom we are living our lives.

Note that this new moon is happening while zippy communication planet Mercury is retrograde. More reason to take this time to reassess, revisit, revise, recalibrate. Mercury retrograde is all about the “re’s” and not as great a time to launch new things or make huge important decisions that you don’t want to have to ultimately redo.

Try to take some time to get quiet and check in with yourself this new moon. Remember that we are here to create. To seek joy. We are here to love ourselves above all else. Set some intentions for the rest of the year and use this sparkly new Aries energy to remind yourself of who you are: a one of a kind, magical, unique being made from love and stardust here right now to be a part of making this crazy world better just by being yourself and letting your true self shine.

Happy Aries New Moon! I believe in you! Sending you glittery showers of love!




Emily Neptune, Astrologer

Astrologer / Light being currently incarnated in a human body made of stardust on Planet Earth