10 Tips to a Positive Mindset

Emily Graham
9 min readMar 13, 2023


I’ve been known to be a pretty positive, light-hearted person which I feel requires me to share some of the tips and tricks I use to avoid bad energy. If you’re just here for the tips and don’t care to hear me elaborate, I made a cute little poster with the top 10 list on it (if you stick around though you’re bound to pick up a little extra;)

I’m sure some of them are more self-explanatory than others but don’t fret!! I’m going to give you all the info you need to start implementing these little changes that will do wonders for the health of your happiness.

What Good is a Positive Mindset?

In short, a positive mindset is all the good. Since everything that you experience is perceived through the use of your senses, everyone experiences everything a little bit differently. That’s why you and someone else may tell a different story in regard to the exact same situation; you seriously did experience two separate moments through your individual lenses.

Creating a “lense” or sense of perception that is more optimistic is naturally going to open you up to more positive experiences. Learning how to encourage the use of your rose-colored glasses will make a huge difference in your quality of life.

Tip #1: Absorb Musical Vibes

This is probably the least internal tip on my list and also definitely the easiest to put into practice. It’s really as simple as putting on a song that makes you want to sing and dance, and then singing and dancing. Music is such a great way to raise your low vibrations because the right song can put anyone in a good mood. If you’re really struggling, I recommend taking it back to the early 2000’s top hits.

Music can be the focus, or just for enrichment during an activity you have to do anyway. In fact, I’m listening to music while I’m writing this right now. I listen to music during homework, while I’m cleaning, and when I’m getting ready. I rarely listen to sad music because I feel like the good vibes in upbeat songs really make a difference in encouraging a good mindset going into anything.

Tip #2: Create a Sanctuary

It’s a lofty goal — I know. I recently cleaned out my closet and a few other little cluttered areas around my room. I got rid of a disgusting amount of stuff and it took me several days to complete, but you can feel the difference in my room. It feels lighter, less like a burden. It’s so important to have a space where you can recharge. When that space is comfortable and pleasing to you it is naturally going to make you feel more secure.

Knowing you have somewhere to be alone can be very reassuring when you feel like you’re losing your center. I spend a lot of time in my room so I have fans and heaters, all the comfy pillows and blankets, and so many good-smelling things. These are essentials, in my opinion, to being able to fully relax and get cozy at the beginning, middle, or end of the day.

Tip#3: Fake it ’til You Make it

The best way to attract something is to feel as though you already have it. If you’re familiar with manifestation at all, that is the entire basis of the law of attraction. The real reason this method of change has gone so widespread — it actually works. Embodying this persona of someone who is naturally optimistic and upbeat is going to trick your brain into playing up that attitude as well.

A smile is the best, and easiest, place to start. I’m sure I won’t be the first person to tell you that wearing a big smile can really make you feel happier. It’s not always easy to keep smiling through all of the craziness life offers, but the dedication to trying is what makes all the difference. Over time, it’ll get easier and feel much more natural to sit in a mindset that perceives life more positively.

Tip #4: You Get What You Get

Here’s the thing, rarely do things go exactly how you want or even expect them to. It is literally not possible to keep a positive attitude when you are constantly setting yourself up to be disappointed by stuff that has nothing to do with you. Little things, like being stopped because of a train or when a restaurant is out of something you want, can be frustrating because it isn’t how you imagined your experience going.

Learning to accept the moment in front of you for what it is will better align your perception with an open mind. It takes practice to remind yourself not to judge your experience from how it compares to your expectations. I read something once that was along the lines of “the whole universe had to come together in such a specific way to present you with this experience, it would be selfish not to appreciate it.” So, every time I feel my patience thinning, I remind myself how lucky I am to be me.

Tip #5: Happy Chemicals

There are four different chemicals that your brain releases that just make you feel good, these are; dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Learning how to encourage the production and release of these chemicals can be used to your advantage when you’re struggling to feel upbeat.

Here's the rundown — dopamine is released when you feel motivated to work towards some kind of accomplishment. Serotonin fuels that sense of accomplishment or pride when you succeed in something. Oxytocin is typically known for being behind the feeling of love or deep trust with other people. Finally, endorphins are usually released during a time when you’re in pain, they help you to persist.

If you’re ever in need of that extra kick, remember those four chemicals and see if you can’t trigger one of them to perk you up. Dopamine is one of my go-to’s, but it can be easily found in things like social media which is not a healthy source. I recommend setting a small goal that you can accomplish within 5–10 minutes, anything you can do even if it’s just making your bed. You could also spend time with a close friend or snuggle with a pet to feel that release of oxytocin.

Tip #6: Invest in YOU

This is kind of a double meaning. I’m talking about investing time AND money AND energy all on YOURSELF. Release all previous ideas about it being selfish to prioritize your own needs, that’s how it should be! The only way to guarantee that you are taken care of is to take care of yourself, so do it well — treat yourself with all of the love and attention to detail that you deserve. Invest in things that improve both your mental and physical health, invest the time and effort into practicing self-care, and invest your energy into forming this beautiful relationship internally.

You have to spend your entire life inside your mind and body. Learn about them. Take the time to bond with yourself and you will feel significantly more confident when facing the world outside. This tip couples up a lot with #4, when you feel more secure you will feel more equipped to handle unexpected situations. Maybe it’s indirect, but it will provide you with a foundation on which you can build a healthy source of internal fulfillment.

Tip #7: Nothing is Personal

I recommend using this one as a mantra. I’m not even kidding, I have this repeating in my head constantly. It is probably impossible to view the world completely impartially, but a big source of stress is the tendency to take everything personally. Here’s what I have to say; It’s really not that deep. Some things are just inherently not your problem and while they may sting for a moment, most people are able to realize that the occurrence was just not that serious. However, there are those things that sure do really feel personal — those are the ones that’ll really negate your optimism.

I won’t lie to you, this one is hard and it’s one I am still working on. Other people tend to reflect their insecurities onto you regardless of whether or not that trait is a perceived flaw. I typically use a cycle of Q&A’s to work myself off the ledge when something feels like a personal attack. Why am I so upset about this? What does it trigger underneath the surface? What could the other person be going through that prompted this? After a while, I’ll notice I’ve picked apart as much of it as I could to determine that it’s not really my problem. This makes it easier to move on and bounce back from what could have potentially been a mood-ruining situation.

Tip #8: Focus on Friendships

It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of romance that is constantly being shoved down your throat. So many people have fallen victim to feelings of worthlessness and anxiety at the hands of a “potential” love interest. That’s why I say forget the significant other, (obviously don’t take that too literally if you’re in a happy and healthy relationship) and spend the little time you have on building meaningful, long-lasting friendships.

Friendships are the most valuable relationship you can form with another person. When you really think about it, friendship is such pure, unwavering love that concerns you with the happiness and well-being of another person as if they were yourself. A foundation of the universal experience of life is to form these optional yet almost magnetic connections to other beings. This beautiful bond serves as a support system for all parties involved, while also providing a sense of belonging in knowing you have a consistent listening ear.

I’ve always said that one of my favorite feelings in the world was meeting new friends. They keep me sane, even when they aren’t. Having someone you can confide and vent to is a great way to process whatever heavy emotions you’re feeling. It’s also a great way to feel valued, knowing that your friend has as much love and appreciation for you as you do them.

Tip #9: Emit to Attract

This is that “give off the energy you want to receive” idea that I’m sure most of you have been familiarized with. The kicker is, once again, that it really does work like magic. It’s natural to want people to treat you kindly, respectfully, and honestly — but is that how you are treating others? On paper, it sounds much easier to treat others how you want to be treated. But as is true with most in life, it’s just not that simple. This is another one of those tips I suggest implementing slowly and steadily because it can take a lot of time and effort.

I feel I can explain this one easier by using an example. Now let me preface by saying I absolutely LOVE my job, but it is in customer service. Most people have worked in customer service at some point, yet even if you haven’t I am sure you’ve heard the horror stories. Now here’s the truth, a lot of these draining experiences are avoidable by setting a good tone as soon as the interaction commences. I’ve found that even the most miserable-seeming, reserved customers will come around by the end of the transaction if I am ridiculously upbeat. Greeting people with an almost comical smile and a super enthusiastic “Hi! How are you?” has decreased the number of negative interactions I’ve had tenfold. This is applicable in ALL areas of your life, and it is bound to not only improve your mood but those around you.

Tip #10: Give Yourself Grace

This is the final tip because it is my favorite (and in my opinion, the most important.) It applies to literally every tip I have previously mentioned as well as everything else ever. You cannot live a content life by constantly holding yourself to a standard of perfection. It is not reasonable or realistic to expect more from yourself than anyone else, human nature is built on mistakes. Maybe you have a really rude, negative thought about another person. Maybe at first, you feel superior, then guilty, and now you feel like you have gone backward in your progression. It is totally normal and natural, you are still learning and growing just the same.

Progress is not measured by a lack of mistakes, but rather by your ability to understand and jump off of that point as you continue maturing. I never want you to feel like a mistake undermines your inherent value — something you should never feel stripped of. Being able to forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings is vital to how you interact with the world around you and the people occupying it.

This list doesn’t cover all of the ins & outs of healing yourself from a toxic mindset, but I feel it offers a really valuable place to start. Rejoining society after my car accident was absolutely terrifying, but I would say my optimism throughout the whole situation made that transition so much smoother. A happy, healthy mindset is the key to experiencing all of the abundance and prosperity the universe wants for you, you just need to take it.

