The Last Time

Emily Rose
2 min readAug 15, 2023


I entered the elevator for, hopefully, the last time. The stale air barely filled my lungs with each shallow breath as I jammed the first floor button and the button to close the elevator doors repeatedly. I did not want to see anyone right now, not after what just happened. My mind was still racing with the thoughts I did not dare to speak out loud, and I could feel a mountain of tears welling up in my eyes. I wiped the tears from my eyes just in time, as a hand suddenly appeared in the small space between the two sliding elevator doors.

I didn’t dare to look up. As soon as they stepped into the elevator, the smell of their cologne permeated throughout the elevator and revealed who it was. He sniffled quietly, and even though I could not force my gaze to lift up from my shoes I heard him hit an elevator button. The doors finally creaked to a close and began its descent to the first floor.

“You forgot this.” he said, his voice was so quiet, I almost didn’t hear him.

I took my gaze off the floor and looked up at my now ex-fiance. His blue eyes were now bloodshot-red from crying and in his hands was my favorite green sweatshirt, the one I always left at his place. I softly grabbed the sweatshirt out of his hands without saying a word, and I once more turned my attention to the floor. I swiftly wiped another tear off my cheek, using all the strength I had to appear strong.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the elevator came to a halt. At this moment, the ding of the elevator could not have been any louder. I kept my eyes to the floor as I walked out of that elevator, muttering a last goodbye under my breath. Just as I was about to leave the apartment complex for the last time, I took one last look at him. He was not the man I once knew, and now I will not get to know who he becomes. After taking a deep breath, I walked out the front door for, hopefully, the last time.

