image by DrAfter123

5 Signs You’re Being Served Covid-19

writer woman
2 min readOct 6, 2020

We all enjoy going out to eat, and giving it up isn’t something people seem eager to embrace. The question remains, is your restaurant of choice serving up COVID-19? Here are five signs that you’re getting more than a good meal at your favorite restaurant:

1.) If literature posted about social distancing and face-covering requirements aren’t clean, then neither are the surfaces. One can assume, dirty signage will equate to dirty surfaces.

2.) We can’t always see contaminated door handles, but we can see smudges on the glass. If the glass around doors is soiled, then the door handles probably are, too.

3.) Sanitizing and routinely washing your hands is not a public courtesy, it’s a matter of life and death. If hand sanitizer is not in guest view or the server can’t immediately tell you the last time they washed their hands, don’t risk it.

4.) For some inane reason, the host team thinks they are exempt from the guest’s view. Typically, we would see a host on their phone, and it would be safe to assume that’s what goes on in the kitchen, out of guest view. These days, the most crucial thing a host stand will show you is this: if the host isn’t wearing a face covering, then the kitchen employees probably aren’t, either.

5.) Everyone looks in the mirror when they walk into a restroom, including employees. If the mirror isn’t clean, think twice about what else isn’t hygienic in the area.

Routinely sanitizing commonly touched surfaces is one small, but mighty, service restaurants should be practicing to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
For your consideration when choosing where to spend your time and money: if a business doesn’t care to clean the dirt they can see around commonly touched surfaces, do you trust them to sanitize the contamination they can’t?

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