How I Write and Edit a Novel in 23 Steps

Elle Mitchell — Author
The Startup
Published in
8 min readAug 21, 2019


(Plus 4 More for Self-Publishing Authors)

Everyone creates differently. Some people write a whole novel the moment something pops in their head; others let it sit for a while. Editing is even more varied. Instead of telling you how to write or edit–pretending one way is superior to another–I’m going to share my process. I’ve written a fair number of novels in my life; some were okay, some good, and a few I love. The ones I love were written following the below process; the abandoned novels were not. Take that how you’d like.

  1. An idea that seems viable and not derivative pops into my head, and I write it down.
  2. I set it aside and let it gestate for six years. Along the way, I collect songs or quotes that feel relevant, jot plot points down, make character sketches, and start a Pinterest board for visual clarity. Why? you may ask. I found that if a story sticks to my bones, it may do the same for my readers. I never feel like I’m waiting for something, just excited for the project I’m working on, and excited to see what’s next. Which of the three novels that have been on the shelf will call my name when the time comes? It’s thrilling.
  3. If the idea has made it through the time requirement, I pull out my bits and pieces to find the story in it. Sometimes, it’s not there. Often…



Elle Mitchell — Author
The Startup

Disabled dark fiction author and multidiscplinary artist and co-chair of Oregon HWA. website and newsletter: