How To Get A Japanese Girlfriend: Working & Tested Tips

Emma Brown
4 min readApr 19, 2024


I’ve spent a lot of time researching and understanding, made countless conversations with Japanese women and thorough research on cultural peculiarities to gather the most working advice on how to get a Japanese girlfriend successfully. So, get ready to dive into the world of Japanese dating with me!

How To Get A Japanese Girlfriend: 4 Best Ways

If you are interested in dating Japanese women, it is necessary to approach the process with respect, patience, and a genuine interest in their culture. Here are some ways that can help you find a girl from Japan.

International Dating Services

❤️Top 3 Sites to Meet Japanese Girlfriends:,,

Online dating is a great way to meet Japanese women, especially if you don’t live in Japan. There are many online dating services designed specifically for people looking to connect with single Japanese women. You just have to create a detailed profile there, include your interests and hobbies, and be respectful when initiating conversations. It’s important to be clear about your intentions and take time to get to know each other before meeting in person.

Join Japanese Language Exchange Groups

Joining Japanese language exchange groups or cultural clubs in your area can be a great way to meet a Japanese girlfriend, as there you will find women who are interested in learning English or sharing their culture. It can also help you improve your Japanese language skills and better understand Japanese customs and traditions. Building friendships first can lead to a deeper connection and, potentially, a romantic relationship.

Attend Japanese Cultural Events

Attending Japanese cultural events, festivals, or workshops in your city can provide you with the opportunity to meet Japanese ladies who share your interests. Whether it’s traditional tea ceremonies, martial arts classes, or anime conventions, engaging in these activities can help you connect with like-minded people and build meaningful relationships. Show real interest in Japanese culture and be open to learning new things to impress your potential Japanese girlfriend.

Travel to Japan

If you have the opportunity, traveling to Japan can be a great way to get a girlfriend from Japan. Explore different cities, attend local events, and immerse yourself in the culture to meet people organically. Consider staying in guesthouses or attending social events to make new friends. Remember to be respectful, open-minded, and willing to adapt to Japanese dating customs and etiquette to increase your chances of finding a girlfriend in Japan.

📍Read Also: How to Date a Japanese Woman Successfully?

What You Should Know Before Dating a Japanese Girl

Before diving into the world of dating a Japanese girl, there are a few things that you should know to ensure a successful and respectful relationship:

  1. Learn About Japanese Culture for better understanding cultural differences. It is important for an American to understand and respect the cultural differences between Japan and the United States. Japanese women may have different expectations, communication styles, and social norms compared to what a man is used to, so being aware of and respecting these differences is crucial to a successful relationship. This will not only show your respect, but also help you establish a deeper connection with your Japanese girlfriend. Take some time to learn about their history, cuisine, art and social etiquette. This knowledge will make you more attractive as a potential partner.
  2. You may face language barriers. Japanese ladies may not be fluent in English, so it is important for a man to be patient and understanding in communication. Learning Japanese at a conversational level can help bridge the language gap and show effort in understanding and connecting with your Japanese girlfriend.
  3. Respecting her privacy and boundaries. Women from Japanese can be more reserved and private than American women, so it’s important for men to respect her boundaries and not pressure her to open up or share more than she’s comfortable with. Building trust and understanding each other’s boundaries are keys to a healthy and respectful relationship.
  4. Don’t show your affection in public. In Japan, public displays of affection are often frowned upon. This includes behavior that may be considered inappropriate or embarrassing, such as kissing, hugging or even holding hands in public. It’s important to respect her comfort level with PDA to avoid putting your gf in an awkward situation, which can help maintain harmony in your relationship.
  5. Keep in mind the importance of non-verbal communication. Japanese culture places great emphasis on non-verbal communication. This can include gestures, facial expressions, and even silence. When dating a Japanese woman, it’s important to pay attention to these nonverbal cues, as she may express her feelings and thoughts through actions rather than words. Learning to read and respond to these cues can greatly improve your communication and emotional connection.
  6. Read about the Concept of “Amae” (甘え). This is a unique Japanese concept that refers to the behavior of relying on the kindness of another person. In a dating context, this may manifest itself as seeking emotional support or indulgence in subtle ways. Understanding this concept can help you better interpret her expectations and reactions in a relationship, as Japanese women may appreciate a partner who can understand and meet these unexpressed needs.

By keeping these points in mind, you can foster a deeper, more understanding relationship with a Japanese partner, respecting both her cultural background and individual preferences.

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Emma Brown

I’m Emma Brown and I work as an international dating coach and help solve relationship conflicts and write articles about dating and relationships.