I Cured My Vaginismus

But only after it ruined my wedding night

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


Lots of people have gone through dry spells when it comes to sex, and I’m no exception.

But mine didn’t happen because I couldn’t find a partner or decided I wanted some extended me time.

Mine happened because my vagina rebelled against me.

Crying After Sex

A few years into my relationship with Mr. Austin, I started having physical difficulties with sex.

We had been hot and heavy for a while and never experienced any serious challenges in that department. Now, it was almost like he didn’t fit anymore.

At first, it only happened when we had particularly intense sex. After we were done, I’d start crying.

I had heard of crying after sex and that it was usually due to the cocktail of emotions and hormones that come from orgasms and sexual pleasure.

But in my case, it wasn’t pleasure at all.

Yes, the sex was good. Great, even. But I didn’t tear up because I was overwhelmed with emotions. I was crying because of the discomfort I experienced.

It wasn’t pain, exactly, but it was a sharp and intense physical sensation that I didn’t care for whatsoever.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects