My Doctor Warned Me DHEA Would Make Me Horny

Is this what it’s like to be a teenage boy?

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


Seeing a new doctor and getting on new medication is becoming routine for me. I have so many symptoms caused by a chronic illness, though no doctor is entirely sure which illness it is (and the confident ones disagree with each other).

But this time, I got a warning I wasn’t expecting.

My new doctor prescribed a treatment of DHEA, a hormone that my adrenal glands should produce naturally but which is lacking in my system.

She told me that if all goes according to plan, the DHEA should convert to testosterone and relieve my fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and the hundred or so other little things that make my daily life a challenge.

She ran through the side effects, warning me especially about headaches.

“Oh, and I should also tell you,” she said, “the most commonly reported side effect is high libido.”

“Most people don’t mind that one at all,” she added with a grin.

My Sex Drive Is on Neutral Gear

My symptoms started showing up early in adulthood. When my energy levels crashed, my libido crashed right along with it.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: