The Writing Contract I Signed with Myself

I’m Trying to Close the Loopholes That Have Kept Me from Staying Accountable as a Writer/Person

Emma Gwynneth Gutt
2 min readFeb 21, 2019

Starting today, Saturday, February 16th , 2019, I, ______________, am beginning one year, or 365 days of writing. I’m setting myself the following parameters to discover where I find the most joy, and what the effects are of putting all my energy, intelligence, curiosity and resourcefulness into a single pursuit: Writing.

Just like a diner menu can sometimes befuddle the customer with its infinite items, I feel paralyzed and unable to decide what to do when I have love and aptitude for a variety of arts and paths.

I, ______________, am choosing to embark on an entire year to prove to myself that this commitment is possible, and to remind myself that one year in my twenties doesn’t amount too much in the grand scheme of my existence. Therefore, this Year for Writing is both a Big Undertaking and Small Potatoes. This year will not be a year of actively separating myself from the other arts into which I’ve previously invested time, money, energy, love and talent, but one of actively pursuing the art (writing) that I believe I have not invested enough of the aforementioned properties.

Below are a list of standards I will be holding myself to this year, followed by my signature, which will seal the deal.

1 Each month, I will “check in” with myself, via journaling and a conversation with my accountability buddy, ______________________.

2 I will write every day, except for Sundays. This means every day, I will attempt to work on one of my long-term writing projects, or I will journal and explore the mood I am in that is inhibiting me from working on them.

3 I will read and reread as many books about creativity and the craft of writing as I am able to.

4 I will read one book a week.

5 I will always ask myself “Why not?” when I feel resistance to one of these

6 If and when mistakes are made and these promises are broken, I will work to truly forgive myself. I will examine my shame, disappointment, and apathy and grow from these teachers.

7 I will have as much fun as I possibly can. If I feel that I do not have the time for fun, I will make time.

8 I will show as much love to my partner, friends, and family as I can.



