Haircuts for Men Going Bald

Emma Kalman
4 min readDec 5, 2016


Male baldness can start at an early age of say 21 already. By age of 35, over two-thirds of all men will show signs of noticeable hair loss. There are numerous shampoos and conditioners that claim they can stop the hair loss by removing “DHT,” which is a main component found with hair loss.

The right haircuts for balding men can make a significant change. It can even hide those balding spots that tend to always show on any photographs.

There are even foods that are supposed to help with baldness. Below are the top 8 do’s and don’ts for your hair so you can keep your confidence for many years to come. Plus, you can look your best for any event, function or party, hiding your baldness from the camera’s.

Dry Your Hair Gently

If you vigorously dry your hair with a rough towel, you are causing damage to your hair. The physical force you are using when doing this is breaking off fine pieces of hair.

The new hair that is emerging won’t get the chance to even survive. Instead, use a soft towel and pat the hair dry to get rid of the excess water and moisture after washing it.

Wash Your Hair Every Other Day

Most men won’t need to wash their hair every day. Too much shampoo or conditioner in your hair can break down the natural structure of the hair. Additionally, it also removes the natural oils of your hair that protect it. Thus, your hair can have a dry and brittle look, surely not ideal for any photographs.

You don’t have to skip showers, but you don’t have to wash hair every day either.

Keep Shorter Hair

If you have the same hairstyle since high school, it may be time for a change. If your hair is long, you should get a haircut. A longer hairstyle will only accentuate what is already gone. However, a closer cut will maximize the coverage. Talk to your barber and get advice on haircuts for balding men.

Avoid Combing and Brushing for Perfection

Using a brush or comb too much can stress out your hair. Try using your hands to shape a short hairstyle and groom it from there. If this means getting a new cut, then you may have to do just that. You will feel more confident and look better. When sitting for a photograph shoot try tilting your head slightly to reduce your hair feature from being so prominent.

Reduce Stress

Sure, genetics can play a role in losing hair, but that’s not all it is about. Having emotional stress can have lasting effects on your hair, which can turn into more hair loss.

Use Caution with Hair Styling Products

Using putties, pastes, and gels will serve a purpose, as they can help smooth your hair and hold it into place. Yet, there isn’t anything worse than having unwanted attention to hair that is loaded with product. Strands of hair will clump together and will bare all for everyone to see. Put it on lightly for the best result. Alternatively get a style that require no products to style. Look at haircuts for balding men.

Remain Cautious of Balding Cures

There are numerous “fast fixes” for balding hair, just like everything else. It’s best not to get drawn in by them as they most likely don’t work. There is one that is known to work called “Revivogen”. It has natural ingredients that starves hair loss and can regrow the hair. It also adds volume to thin hair.

Try Not to Panic

If you are shedding some strands here and there, try not to panic too much. It’s completely normal to lose around 100 hairs each day. Once you first notice balding, it’s crucial to seek professional treatment if you don’t accept the normal changes of aging. However, getting the best haircuts for balding men is the best way to go. For more styles and tips on haircuts for balding men visit a barber shop online.



Emma Kalman

Writer by heart with a passion for everything in life.