Best OneNote Digital Planner

Taking a closer look at best OneNote digital planner features

Emma Waltz
2 min readFeb 28, 2024

Download all-in-one digital planner bundle here.

With so many choices, it is hard to find the best OneNote digital planner that perfectly suits your needs. Here’s a breakdown of factors to consider and some top contenders:

Finding Your Perfect Fit:

  • Functionality: Do you need a comprehensive planner with daily, weekly, and monthly views, or something more streamlined for specific tasks?
  • Aesthetics: Visual preferences matter! Choose a planner with a clean, minimalist design, vibrant colors, or even a specific theme depending on your taste.
  • Customization: Do you like to personalize your planner with stickers, inserts, or custom layouts? Opt for one that allows for easy customization.
  • Integration: Would you like your planner to sync with your calendar or to-do list app? Ensure compatibility with your preferred tools.

Top Contenders for “Best OneNote Digital Planner”:

  • The Ultimate OneNote Digital Planner by For Little Lion: This paid option offers a comprehensive layout with hyperlinks for seamless navigation, calendar integration, and the ability to customize it with your desired color scheme.
  • All-in-One Digital Planner by Little Peace of Happiness: This paid planner focuses on goal setting, productivity, and life balance. It boasts a beautiful aesthetic and multiple theme options.
  • Digital Planner for OneNote by Branden Bodendorfer: This comprehensive paid planner includes various versions, including business and personal, with dedicated sections for finances, contacts, and project management.
  • FREE OneNote Digital Planner by Kdigital Studio: This free option provides a basic layout with monthly, weekly, and daily views, perfect for those getting started with digital planning in OneNote.

Beyond the List:

Remember, the “best” planner is the one that works for you. Explore beyond these suggestions and consider:

  • Free resources: Many websites and individual creators offer free digital planner templates specifically designed for OneNote.
  • DIY approach: OneNote’s flexibility allows you to create your own personalized planner using its built-in tools. You can find numerous tutorials and inspiration online.

Embrace the Digital Advantage:

No matter which planner you choose, OneNote offers several advantages over traditional methods:

  • Accessibility: Access your plan from any device with an internet connection.
  • Organization: Easily categorize and search for specific information within your planner.
  • Flexibility: Update, add notes, or adjust your plan on the go with ease.
  • Eco-friendly: Reduce paper waste and contribute to a sustainable future.

A powerful note-taking app from Microsoft, offers a fantastic platform for using your best OneNote digital planner that might offer streamlined approach to planning your days, weeks, and months. Remember, OneNote’s beauty lies in its versatility. Even beyond pre-designed templates, you can create your own digital planner from scratch. Utilize OneNote’s powerful features like sections, subsections, pages, hyperlinks, and tags to build a planner that perfectly reflects your individual style and organizational needs.

