What Are The Benefits of Tesla Coil?Interesting Application of Tesla Coil!

Emma Swift
3 min readAug 13, 2019



Do you know about the tesla coil? Simply,Tesla coil is a distributed parameter high-frequency series resonant transformer and it has a two-stage booster coil which made it can take a household 220V voltage up to tens or even hundreds of thousands of volts and discharge it through a discharge terminal.

More about the tesla coil, http://www.icchipword.com/article/Wireless-Electricity-What-is-a-Tesla-Coil.htmlwill do. In this paper, let’s talk about the benefits of it and the interesting application of tesla coils.

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Modern Usage of Tesla Coil

Tesla coil does not require complex circuits to produce high voltage at high frequencies, which reduces high voltage costs.So there are some applications of it:

Welding machines

Tesla coils can be used in welding machines. DC current does not like to jump a gap to start an arc and some types of welding, like aluminum welding, doesn’t work well being directly contacted with a DC electrode. For aluminum welding, some machines will use tesla coils as an inexpensive way to generate high frequencies to form an arc without touching the electrode of the metal. While other methods can be used, the tesla coil is rugged, simple, and very reliable.

Spark Plug Ignition

An oil filled Tesla coil, known as an ignition coil, is found under the hood of all internal combustion powered automobiles. It provides the high voltage to fire the spark plugs.Cars with an internal combustion engine running on gasoline use tesla coils for the spark plug ignition.Modern solid-state ignition (with power transistors to generate the tickle or primary winding pulse) uses a single coil to ignite one or two (chipping) ignition wires.But diesel engines are not the same.

Entertainment Industry

Tesla coils have been used to provide special effects for the entertainment industry.There are tesla coil fans all over the world, who have made all kinds of devices to create dazzling artificial lightning, which is very beautiful.Even they use it for magical performances.

Arc Lighter

Amazingly,it can also be used as a lighter which is so cool!Using the principle of arc generation, people invented the arc lighters.

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And what are the advantages of arc lighters compared with ordinary lighters?Firstly, the higher temperature.The arc lighter was invented by the principle of arc generation and in the process of breaking through the air to produce an arc, the joule thermal power emitted by high-voltage electricity can reach l0000kW and generate a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, which is very large in energy. Then there is excellent wind protection on arc lighter, no matter how hard to blow the arc will not blow out.

CRT type display

Additionally,every CRT type display (televisions, computer monitors, etc.) uses a small Tesla coil, usually referred to as a flyback transformer in this application, to provide the high voltage necessary to accelerate electrons from the electron gun in the narrow end of the picture tube to the phosphors coating the inside of the screen.


Tesla coils exist in every aspect of our lives.Tesla Coil can produce high voltage alternating current at both high frequency and low current. This high-frequency current can be transmitted wirelessly through the air to another receiver over a long distance without any adverse effects on the human body. NikolaTesla discovered that high-voltage current could be converted into high-frequency high-voltage current, which could carry electricity indefinitely. What’s a great idea! If it can be achieved, energe is free in the future.

