How I Gained 42,000 Twitter Followers In 8 Months

Emma Bostian
6 min readMay 10, 2019

This post is in no way meant to brag; it’s meant to provide insight into quick social media growth.

In the last eight months, I’ve gained about 42,000 followers, and people always ask me how I did it. So I’m here to break down the things I did which ultimately gained me a following (specifically on Twitter).

Let’s start with some analytics and break down followers gained and top tweets.

September 2018

This was the first month I gained a lot of followers. I attribute this to my top tweet of the month getting liked or retweeted by someone with a following.

October 2018

Another great month for gaining followers, I found that my tweet about impostor syndrome struck a chord with others in the industry.

November 2018

November, my top tweet centered around job interview rejections. Again, a topic that’s extremely relevant to all…



Emma Bostian

Software Engineer @ LogMeIn by day, cat Mom by night. Also a full-time Bibliophile. I enjoy all things Front-end & Design