Sometimes it’s hard to be a womanI’m 47 years old and I have a nasty spot on my face and another, painful one, on my neck.Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
Onwards…I am trying to separate my political writing from my personal writing. So this personally reflective essay will be here, while I will do a…Dec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
Do I have an eating disorder?Do I have an eating disorder? That’s a weird question for a 45-year-old woman to ask herself, right?Aug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020
The muppets, the female gaze and a girl’s first sexual fantasyI have a theory about the film Labyrinth.Jul 5, 20202Jul 5, 20202
A love letterWaiting in the dark in a tingle of anticipation Wondering how I am going to be touched What will transpire, how will I be transformed…Jun 7, 2020Jun 7, 2020
Someone touched me yesterdaySomebody touched me yesterday and I cried. Not a big sobbing, gulping outpouring But very British tears Moist eyes and a grimace hidden…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
If I hadn’t seen such riches I could live with being poorA while back, I split up with my last boyfriend. We remain friends and that’s great, but we were right to finish the relationship and it…May 5, 20201May 5, 20201
The election, Labour, journalism and mePlease forgive me if this post is a bit self-indulgent/self-important. It’s something I have been thinking about for a while and as such…Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
A Manifesto for BBC Current Affairs and Factual CoverageI love the BBC. No really — I love it. I love the things it does well and the fact that it does them best in the world. I love so much of…Aug 4, 2019Aug 4, 2019
Reflections on doing my mastersI have spent the last 15 or more years working in communications in think tanks. I love doing so (even when I hate doing so — like any job)…Sep 11, 2018Sep 11, 2018