Numerologist Mariana Anael: How does working off karma help to develop a business?

Emma Davis
4 min readDec 7, 2022


Entrepreneurs are not interested in mysticism and fortune-telling: they operate with facts and figures. Talking about karmic debts and working them off seems useless to many of them while the business is thriving. Most often, it is losses and systemic failures that make us look for the cause of events beyond the economic component. Numerologist, cosmoenergist, author of best-selling books, training courses and marathons Mariana Anael is sure that working out karma can take business to a new level.

What’s karma, and how does it work?

Many have heard of karma in connection with Buddhist teachings or Eastern philosophy. Traditionally, it is understood as cause-and-effect relationships, when every thought, emotion or action entails a certain result. They, in turn, are largely determined by character traits. 90% of events in a person’s life are reactions to checks that he receives daily.

This is how karmic nodes are formed — checks, life lessons that a person has not learned, has not passed or ignored. But the lack of awareness does not exempt from responsibility. As in school, fate will throw up the same tasks again and again until we learn how to solve them correctly and act in accordance with our development program.

How is karma related to business?

Numerologist Mariana Anael is sure that this law works both in the personal sphere and in business. The latter, from the point of view of the Universe, is not a tool for earning money, as people perceive it, but one of the ways of internal growth. Karmic tasks await entrepreneurs in the professional sphere as well. If they are solved “perfectly”, things are thriving, the businessman receives a stable profit, easily implements new projects.

The lack of customers, income, any betrayal by partners, founders, stagnation indicate that the business owner ignores karma. And negative situations will be repeated until he realizes the mistake in his reactions, behavior and does not get on the right path.

Mariana Anael is a mentor for many entrepreneurs, gives advice on her own author’s method of numerological analysis. In her practice, there are many examples when solving karmic problems, understanding cause-and-effect relationships helped to improve the situation and achieve the prosperity of her business.

One of Mariana’s clients, a successful businessman, decided to try a new direction, but did not know in which area. Numerological prognosis has shown that one of its purposes is to work in the field of nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Soon he began to produce healthy food products, and his project quickly became a success.

In this case, the person showed karma in the plus, following the program of his development. If we do not know our own destiny, do not want to improve, a “kick” comes from the Universe in the form of failures.

One day, three partners who wanted to sell the business signed up for a consultation with Mariana. They suffered losses, but could not agree on the terms in any way. As the calculations on their dates of birth showed, they had karmic connections. They were faced with the task of learning how to negotiate, which is why men found themselves in such a situation.

Why not to be afraid of karma and how to work it out?

Numerologist Mariana Anael says: karma should not be afraid. This is not fate or punishment. It only highlights the tasks that a person needs to solve, work out in order to develop.

Numerology allows you to identify them using calculations based on the date of birth of a person or business. Understanding your karma makes life easier. There is an awareness of the prospects for growth, when and what to do to be successful. A person receives instructions to himself and acts in accordance with it.

If you know in advance how to react to certain events and what results will follow, you automatically leave the victim position and become the master of your life and business processes as part of it.

There is no need to hide your head in the sand or guess about the reasons for what happened. It is enough just to know your karmic tasks and fulfill them in order to successfully move forward.

For example, an entrepreneur suffers losses repeatedly, as he signs contracts in a hurry, without delving deeply into them. Karmic node “1” says that if a person has problems with documents, he must learn to work with them, checking slowly and thoughtfully.

How to understand what karmic tasks a person faces? Mariana Anael is sure that numerology has the answers to all questions. It is enough just to listen to them and act in a plus, not in a minus.



Emma Davis

Journalist, freelance newspaper editor «Kitsap Sun», graduated University of Arkansas Fayetteville. Specialty — Journalism Concentration.