Speak Application Review: Is It worth it?

Emma Miller
5 min readDec 6, 2023


Thinking about using the Speak application to improve your spoken English? Wondering if it could be your key to speaking fluent English? In this Speak Application Review, join me as we explore every corner of the Speak App, and I’ll reveal just how effective it can be for your English-speaking journey.

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Hi everyone, it’s Emma here from Washington DC! As an English teacher and accent coach, I’ve navigated through numerous English apps and programs. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to the Speak Application. Many of you have been asking, ‘Is the Speak app worth it?’ and ‘Can it genuinely assist my spoken English?’ Keep reading as we explore all these questions and more.

Getting Started with Speak Application

I’ve signed up for the premium version to provide you with a comprehensive look. After downloading, the app starts off by asking a few questions to tailor a study plan for your needs and goals. Speak offers two subscription models: $79 for an annual plan or $15 monthly. I opted for the monthly plan to begin our exploration.

Features and Methodology

The Speak premium membership is organized into five main tabs. Your study plan, Free Talk, Saved items, Challenges, and profile. Let’s explore these sections. The first section is your study plan. Let’s see how it works.

Video Lesson

The first thing you’ll see is a video lesson, teaching conversation skills. The video pauses at intervals, prompting you to record a phrase you just learned. Then, boom, instant feedback! Now, it might look like it’s checking your pronunciation, but it’s actually just seeing if you said the words — right or wrong pronunciation, it doesn’t matter.

The first thing you’ll see on Speak application is a video lesson, teaching conversation skills. The video pauses at intervals, prompting you to record a phrase you just learned.

Speaking Drill Lesson

Moving on to the next lesson, called Speaking Drill. It’s based on what you’ve learned in the video. You listen to a sentence, then record yourself saying it. The app then checks if you’ve covered the phrases. The first day includes four practice sets, each following a similar pattern.

Vocabulary Builder Lesson

Now onto the Vocab Builder lesson. It’s about learning new words and phrases, following a method similar to previous lessons. This lesson also includes four practice sets, ensuring a good amount of repetition for effective learning.

Role-Playing with an AI Tutor

An intriguing feature is the Role-Playing lesson. Here, you converse with an AI tutor, practicing real-life scenarios. The AI, seemingly powered by a sophisticated language model, offers feedback on your speaking, with suggestions on improving grammar and word choice.

Speak Application Limitations: Understanding its Weaknesses

While the Speak application offers a range of useful features for learning English, it’s important to understand its limitations to ensure it aligns with your learning goals. Here, we delve into some of the key areas where Speak may fall short.

1. Lack of Certified Coaches: One significant limitation of the Speak application is the absence of certified coaches. While its AI tutor provides a level of interactive learning, it cannot fully replace the nuanced guidance and personalized feedback that a human coach can offer. This human element is particularly crucial when dealing with the complexities of language learning, where personalized attention can make a substantial difference.

2. Focus Primarily on Conversational Practice: The Speak app is predominantly geared towards improving conversational skills. However, speaking English fluently encompasses much more than just conversational practice. Essential components like correct pronunciation, accent reduction, proper intonation, and word stress are critical to fluent and clear English communication. These aspects require detailed attention, which may be beyond the scope of what Speak provides.

ChatterFox: Best Alternative to Speak

For learners seeking more than what Speak offers, ChatterFox emerges as an excellent alternative, especially for those aiming for advanced proficiency and personalized feedback. ChatterFox addresses Speak’s limitations by incorporating certified accent coaches who provide personalized feedback and tailored learning strategies essential for mastering complex aspects of the spoken English language.

What sets ChatterFox apart are its comprehensive features, including video lessons on pronunciation, accent reduction, and other advanced topics, coupled with an advanced AI feedback system. These elements ensure a well-rounded learning experience, making ChatterFox a robust choice for learners at intermediate and advanced levels, or those regularly communicating with native English speakers.

Currently, ChatterFox is offering an attractive deal with a 33% discount, plus a 7-day trial, making it an opportune time to explore their services. This promotion is a great chance for those curious about ChatterFox to try it out.


Author Recommendation and Analysis

Returning to our initial question: Is the Speak app worth it? Can it really take your English fluency to the next level? The answer is a mix of yes and no. Speak definitely shows promise in enhancing your English skills. But remember, it’s not a complete solution for achieving fluency on its own. Here’s my take: Speak is a solid choice for improving general spoken English, especially for beginners and intermediate learners. It provides a good foundation for practicing and enhancing conversational English.

If you’re a non-native English speaker regularly interacting with native speakers, and aiming for clear, fluent English, Speak might not be an appropriate solution. In such cases, you need tools focused on pronunciation improvement or accent reduction. That’s where alternatives like ChatterFox come into play.



Emma Miller

English As a Second Language Teacher, Accent Coach, American Pronunciation and Fluency Training