The Most Common Plastic Surgery Myths | Emmanuel De la Cruz reviews

Emmanuel De la Cruz
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Plastic surgery has long been a source of interest and, sadly, myths. From exaggerated recovery times to unrealistic expectations, myths surrounding cosmetic procedures have the potential to mislead and discourage individuals who are considering enhancing their appearance or addressing specific concerns. In this blog post, we’ll separate fact from fiction and debunk some of the most prevalent plastic surgery myths.

One of the most common myths revolves around the notion that plastic surgery is solely for the vain and superficial. However, this could not be farther from the truth. Many individuals seek cosmetic procedures for a variety of valid reasons, including boosting self-confidence, correcting physical imperfections, or addressing functional concerns. Plastic surgery is a personal decision, and it’s important to respect each individual’s motivations without judgment.

Another widespread myth suggests that plastic surgery results in an unnatural or “plastic” appearance. This misconception stems from outdated techniques and inexperienced surgeons. However, modern plastic surgery techniques, in the hands of skilled and experienced professionals like Emmanuel De la Cruz, aim to achieve natural-looking, harmonious results that enhance one’s features while maintaining a natural appearance. The goal is to subtly enhance, not to create an artificial or “over-done” look.

Recovery times are often exaggerated, leading many to believe that plastic surgery requires an extensive and arduous recovery process. While it’s true that some procedures may involve a longer recovery period, advances in surgical techniques and pain management have significantly reduced downtime for many cosmetic procedures. With proper post-operative care and instructions from your surgeon, recovery can be manageable and less daunting than many believe.

Another common myth is that plastic surgery is excessively risky or dangerous. Like any surgical procedure, plastic surgery carries some risks, but these risks are minimized when the procedure is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon in an accredited facility. Emmanuel De la Cruz emphasizes the importance of thoroughly vetting your surgeon, discussing potential risks and complications, and following all pre- and post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

Some individuals believe that the results of plastic surgery are permanent and unchanging. However, this is not entirely accurate. While many procedures can provide long-lasting results, factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and lifestyle choices can impact the longevity of the results. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that touch-up procedures or non-surgical treatments may be required to maintain desired results over time.

Lastly, there’s a myth that plastic surgery is solely for women. While it’s true that women make up a significant portion of cosmetic surgery patients, the number of men seeking procedures like liposuction, male breast reduction, and facial rejuvenation has been steadily increasing. Plastic surgery is not gender-specific, and both men and women can benefit from various cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.

In conclusion, plastic surgery is a legitimate medical field that can provide life-changing results when performed by qualified professionals like Emmanuel De la Cruz. By debunking these common myths, we can promote a better understanding of cosmetic procedures, dispel misconceptions, and ensure that individuals make informed decisions based on facts rather than fiction.



Emmanuel De la Cruz

Dr. Emmanuel De La Cruz, a renowned plastic surgeon, is known for his technical expertise, innovative techniques, and commitment to patient care.