My Side Project — Sapi:

Time to Read Online Articles

2 min readJun 25, 2018
Sapi screenshot

Stop wondering if an article will take too much of your time.

Sapi is a Chrome extension that tells you how long it will take to read an online article based on a personalized reading score.

I am happy to finally release my side project today — Sapi. In case my first description wasn’t very good, Sapi is a free Google Chrome extension that gives you a quick test to see how fast you read measured in words per minute (wpm).

When you find a web article and click on it, Sapi tells you in the toolbar how many minutes it will take to read the article. You can click on a toolbar button to see more information about the page, access options, or reset the extension.

I have seen numerous similar Time-to-Read extensions in the Web Store; but, none of them gave you a test to calculate the time according to the most important metric — how fast you read. The majority of people read at a rate of about 180wpm to 240wpm. The most skilled of speed readers can read at over 1200wpm — and comprehending it all! I am somewhere in the middle; I read at about 550wpm.

The biggest on my To-Do board is to integrate direct Google search functionality into the extension. When you search for the headlines, Google displays cards built from the rich metadata of the trending articles. I want to include the Time-to-Read as a part of those cards; so, you can quickly see if the article will be worth your precious time.

If you’ve read all the way down here, thank you sincerely, and download Sapi — it takes less effort than that which read my whole article.

