Does it really matter?

Emmanuel Njoroge
2 min readDec 18, 2017


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It is interesting to be alive at such a time in history. Isn’t it? We might be fascinated by a lot of things but the reality is -nothing really is new under the sun. Right? Ages have passed, and in every other age there has been advancements in civilization. History does serve us well when we look back. We are where we are because those who have gone before us did something. Whether good or bad, they did something that has contributed to where we are. We do well to take a peep back -then can we understand where we at, and perhaps make informed advancements to where we would want to be.

Does it really matter looking back to where we have come from? do we even know where we want to be? where we ought to be? Do we all share the same origin? Do we all share the same destiny? Is there a common standard of morality for all? Do we all have the privilege of finding meaning and purpose to life? Are we all equal? Why does it seem as though there are some who are more privileged than others? more advanced than others? more enlightened than others? Does that mean that some are superior by any means to others? Does it really matter?

Who are we? Who i’m i? I’m i a Kenyan, an African, a black young man? does it really matter? I’m i under privileged living in a “third world country”? I’m i less by any means living in the “dark continent”? I’m i a slave to western civilization? Does it really matter? Who sets the standards? Who defines what is right and what is wrong? Is there anyone behind my existence? Is there anyone who ultimately determines what my life is? what our lives are? Is there one who determines or rather from whom i/we find my/our identity? Does it really matter?

Couldn’t we ask more questions? shouldn’t we ask more questions? does it really matter?

It matters. These are questions of existence. If we did not exist, and did not have life, then it would not matter. People have different answers to all these questions. And that makes all the difference. Some do not have answers. And that makes all the difference. Some have never considered asking such questions. And that makes all the difference. The truth is, by merely existing we all one way or the other long for meaning, for purpose. We all search for identity, and have ideas of our origin. We all are concerned about the end. Whether we deny it or not -this is us -beings. It does matter.

